
Hurricanes and Wildfires Are Colliding with the COVID-19 Pandemic – and Compounding the Risks

Disaster preparation and evacuation procedures weren't made for social distancing. The pandemic means response decisions are now fraught with contradictions.


New Executive Order Seeks to Put Federal Buildings in Disadvantaged Areas

The General Services Administration will develop a plan to implement the directive. 


This Rural Town Swelled With Immigrants. But Will Census Count Them?

The 2020 census was supposed to show this rural town what it is now. Then came COVID-19.


DeJoy Struggles With Basic Postal Questions Even as He Defends Reforms That Caused Delays

Postmaster general says in testy hearing he thought his changes would improve service but "oddly enough" the opposite occurred.


Bipartisan Bill Would Standardize Public Health Data and Bolster Sharing

The legislation would also establish a cross-agency working group for ongoing recommendations.


Empowering Employees is Essential to Improving Performance

Empowered employees take goal achievement very seriously. When problems arise, they know they are expected to act.


Most U.S. Voters Value Party Over Democracy

Only 3.5% of US voters would cast ballots against their preferred candidates as punishment for undemocratic behavior, a new study shows.


GovExec Daily: Rural America and the Census

University of Mississippi's Dr. John Green joins the podcast to discuss the difficulties facing non-metropolitan communities during the decennial count.


For Election Administrators, Death Threats Have Become Part of the Job

In a polarized society, the bureaucrats who operate the machinery of democracy are taking flak from all sides. More than 20 have resigned or retired since March 1, thinning their ranks at a time when they are most needed.


Survey: Most Feds Who Have Been Working From Home During the Pandemic Are Afraid to Return to Their Offices

Nearly 80% of teleworking respondents to a new survey from AFGE said they don’t feel safe going back to their traditional worksite.


Former National Security Officials from Republican Administrations Endorse Biden

The 73 former officials and lawmakers say Trump is a danger to the nation through his words and actions. 


Promoting Employee Engagement In a Time of Crisis

A new initiative is needed to create bottom-up demand for improving organizational health and performance.


The Bush-Gore Recount Is an Omen for 2020

An oral history of the craziest presidential election in modern history


Biden Pledges to Lead Empathetic Government, Rely on Experts

Democratic presidential nominee says he will not muzzle scientific experts and will allow them to share with Americans the “honest, unvarnished truth.”


Managing Space Traffic in an Increasingly Congested Orbit

Report looks at how the federal government can best meet its responsibility for improving space situational awareness and coordinating space traffic management activities. 


Labor Authority: Unions Can't Do 'Grassroots' Lobbying on Official Time

Although federal employee groups decried the decision, the Federal Labor Relations Authority stopped short of a conservative anti-labor organization's request to outlaw direct lobbying of lawmakers while on official time.


Union: Social Security Is Withholding Information and Refusing to Bargain as Some Employees Return to Offices

Agency argues most employees are still teleworking to the maximum extent possible and there has been no major change in work arrangements that would require negotiation.


Empowering HR and Managers: Lessons from the Bush Administration

If job objectives are vague, how will managers be able to assess employee performance, and how will employees know what is expected of them?


Government Surpasses Small Business Contracting Goals in Fiscal 2019 for Seventh Year

Agencies also set records for contracting with women-owned, service-disabled veteran-owned and small disadvantaged businesses.