
Continuous vetting identifies risks earlier, and is getting ready to roll out across government

COMMENTARY | If there is an issue that could be flagged, federal employees should report it now, and get help, an expert says.


Biden calls on agencies to spur more competition with their regs

The president wants an "all-of-government approach" to expanding choice for consumers and workers.


Underfunding presents operations and cybersecurity challenges for FLRA in fiscal 2024, OIG says

The independent agency tasked with overseeing labor issues within the federal government is currently operating at the same budget level it was 20 years ago, while its unfair labor practice case load has risen 62% in the last four years. 


Agencies can begin submitting congressionally mandated reports to online system this month

Reports mandated by federal law will be uploaded to a centralized online portal maintained by the Government Publishing Office on Oct 16.  


OPM reminds agencies of new telework reporting requirements

As agencies prep to increase in-person work this fall, the federal government’s HR agency is calling on officials to collect better data on telework and remote work usage in their workplaces.


With shutdown uncertainty still in the air, agency leaders need plans to support employees, expert says

The federal budget process is awash in volatility following the ouster of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, and one health expert says agency leaders should not just plan for a shutdown, but also how to best support their employees through one.


OPM announces expansion of ‘continuous vetting’ security clearance process for current feds

After a successful pilot, the federal government’s HR agency and the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency set a goal of enrolling all employees in non-sensitive public trust positions in the new process for reviewing existing security clearances by the end of fiscal 2024.


National lab isn’t properly tracking sensitive and high-risk property, OIG says

A new report from the Energy Department’s inspector general found that Brookhaven National Laboratory hadn’t adequately classified crucial property, including “lasers, oscilloscopes, chemical /biological equipment … that accounted for approximately $183 million” in value. 


Congress averts shutdown with a 45-day stopgap funding bill

Lawmakers passed a bipartisan measure just hours before a funding lapse was set to furlough hundreds of thousands of federal employees.


HASC chair: Space Command's temporary office is insecure. Officials: untrue

After White House scuttles move to Alabama, Rep. Rogers vows to keep SPACECOM from building a permanent HQ in Colorado.


Nearly all national park sites to close during government shutdown

The agency will bar access to most of the nation’s 425 parks, recreation areas, national historic sites and other units, according to a fact sheet from the Interior Department, which oversees the National Park Service.


Ahead of shutdown, House and Senate Dems propose back pay for furloughed contractors

A similar effort to legislate back pay for contractors failed during the 2018-2019 shutdown.


What happens to government devices during a shutdown?

Experts say government-issued devices like phones, computers and even email accounts face heightened security risks during a federal shutdown.


Sen. Kaine eyes another measure to make shutdowns less frequent

The Modernizing the Federal Calendar Act would shift the federal government’s fiscal year to align with the traditional calendar year.


Some federal agencies utilize 25% or less of their headquarters office space, GAO says

As federal employees continued use of telework remains contentious, the watchdog highlighted in a new report that age-old office space problems have become more pronounced.