
How a looming government shutdown could hit national parks

Would-be visitors will likely see restrictions on park access, though the extent of those restrictions is still unclear.


Senate inches closer toward stopgap passage, though a plan to avoid shutdown remains out of reach

Republicans in the Senate look to assuage House counterparts, but it may already be too late to avert federal employee furloughs in two days.


Biden administration begins cautioning feds to prepare for a shutdown

Degree of organization varies across government as agencies note a funding lapse could still be avoided.


FEMA is being sued for making flood insurance too expensive—and too cheap

The price isn't right, according to two lawsuits against the federal agency. The suits, one of which was brought by Louisiana and Republican state AGs, claim that high insurance rates could put residents at risk of economic ruin, but low rates do little to stop developments on at-risk land.


Democrats fear cyberattacks as government shutdown looms

Lawmakers are expressing concerns that the shutdown could radically hinder the work of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency in responding to major ransomware incidents and other digital intrusions. 


OIG: Interior Department backdated discrimination determinations and applied incorrect standards

Officials at the department’s Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Civil Rights backdated discrimination decisions for up to 15 days prior to their issuance and erroneously ruled in five cases, according to a new report.


A government shutdown is a catalyst event that can increase the possibility of insider threat incidents

COMMENTARY | As another government shutdown looms it’s a reminder that risks happen when you’re least prepared, writes one observer.


5 longest government shutdowns in U.S. history

Budget disputes have practically made shutdown threats a fall tradition on Capitol Hill, but these impasses left lasting impressions on the history of the federal government.


Senate to advance short-term funding measure as shutdown deadline nears

But the House is continuing to pursue deep cuts to spending that stand no chance across Capitol Hill or in the White House.


What does it take to end a government shutdown?

The end of past budget impasses have often played out as calculations of policy goals versus the political pain needed to achieve them, but when the goal is unclear how do you know who wins? 


Federal CIO touts '10-year-plan' to build a truly digital federal government

The long-awaited guidance to support the implementation of the IDEA Act tasks agencies with ramping up their digital offerings while mandating consistent brand and design standards across the federal government.


The government management paradox

COMMENTARY | Change is hard, but agencies can significantly improve their operational performance to deliver on highly complex programs.


OPM advances skills-based hiring initiative with common competencies update for federal jobs

The federal government’s HR agency said it surveyed more than 90,000 federal workers to update its list of common skillsets needed in federal employment.


ICE officials didn’t accurately report how they disrupted transnational criminals, OIG says

Immigration officials didn’t know how many transnational criminal organizations they impacted over five years due to a data filing misstep, according to the Homeland Security Department’s inspector general.


Federal cyber operations face challenges as government shutdown looms

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency will retain about one-sixth of its workforce in the event of a partial government shutdown, according to its current plan.


Is the Census taking steps to count the millions of LGBTQ+ Americans overlooked?

The Census Bureau’s plans to test questions about sexual orientation and gender identity in the American Community Survey is the latest step in a years-long push to improve national data on LGBTQ+ people.


White House debuts a new climate-based workforce initiative 

President Joe Biden called for new executive action Wednesday to establish what the White House calls an American Climate Corps to help train and qualify people for clean energy jobs.