
USPS will not institute a surcharge this holiday season after slashing its need for temporary workers

Postal Service predicts "competitive advantage" over private shippers who will charge customers more during the holidays


What does post-pandemic telework look like during a shutdown?

As agencies begin planning for funding to stop on Sept. 30, federal telework guidance will be tested in a post-COVID environment. 


State dives deep into data

The State Department is increasingly capitalizing on advances in data analytics to inform diplomacy and funding efforts.


House GOP proposes to punt a shutdown for one month while slashing agency spending

Stopgap funding measure raises immediate doubts of whether it can pass the House or meaningfully reduce odds of an appropriations lapse in less than two weeks.


Civic hackers explore ways to streamline government operations

Lawmakers and technologists united for a day of civic hacking on Capitol Hill as part of an effort to modernize government services and make government operations more efficient.


Are the White House's zero-emission goals for federal buildings unrealistic? Yes, say some Biden administration officials

Funding concerns and renewable energy supply could hamper Biden's ambitious goals for federal agencies, though the White House maintains it is on track to meet them.


Federal prisons chief insists to Senate panel there’s been ‘visible change’ in the system

Bureau of Prisons Director Colette Peters told lawmakers on Wednesday that she has visited more than 20 facilities, and has worked to address employee misconduct and “hold those who engage in misconduct accountable.”


FEMA rolls out climate adaptation loans for small and overlooked communities

The federal disaster relief agency has taken heat for steering past resilience funds to whiter, wealthier areas.


FLRA’s contract management system lacked documents, OIG says

The agency that oversees labor-management relations for the federal government was missing key information from its acquisition files and previously “had no formal contract file management policy in place,” according to leadership.


USPS rejects regulator’s budget request, leaving watchdog to fear for its independence

The Postal Service has provided a small budget increase to its regulatory commission, but extends its feud with the watchdog by declining to provide the funds it says it needs to meet demands.


Path to averting a shutdown remains elusive as Senate looks to pass first FY24 spending bills

The upper chamber has bipartisan support for many of its funding measures and will look to put pressure on the divided House.


The CDC faces a dilemma over recommending a new COVID booster for all

Some in the scientific community argue the government should be recommending the shot only for frail, older, sick, and immunocompromised people.


The 3 duties of public servants

COMMENTARY | With all that’s going on in Washington these days, public officials have three fundamental duties that they cannot shirk.


Social Security Advisory Board urges quick action on SSA nominee, end to 6-year terms

Since the Social Security Administration was made independent from the Health and Human Services Department in the 1990s, only two of the agency’s commissioners have served the full six-year term.


Reinventing government: Reflections 30 years later

Three leaders of government reinvention under Vice President Al Gore reflect on their favorite accomplishments and what they see as challenges for leaders of the future.