
How to Disagree without Fighting

Professor Dan Edelstein has five tips for how to disagree productively. Democracy depends on it, he says.


It’s the End of the House COVID Panel As We Know It

The majority of the panel has released its final report on the lack of preparations ahead of the pandemic, blunders by the Trump administration and recommendations for reform. 


Mayorkas in El Paso: U.S. Immigration System Is Broken

As El Paso struggled to cope with a growing migration crisis, the DHS chief said immigration and asylum systems were broken, but provided few public details of the administration’s plans to fix things.


Lawmakers Announce Bipartisan Breakthrough on Full-Year Omnibus Spending Bill

Several hurdles still remain before the deal is done, including actually writing the funding measures.


Biden’s Management Agenda Turns One

Biden administration officials spoke on Tuesday about the progress made on the federal workforce, customer service and the business of government.


Recent Hiring Reforms Are Already Working, Federal HR Leaders Say

At the annual public meeting of the Chief Human Capital Officers Council, officials said innovations like shared certifications and skills-based hiring are paying dividends.


GovExec Daily: Federal Student Loan Forgiveness Is Still In Limbo

Clifford Robb joins the podcast to discuss administrative burdens in education forgiveness and the future of college debt.


Congress Prepares One-Week CR as Lawmakers Announce Progress Toward Full-Year Funding Deal

Agencies face a Friday night shutdown threat, though lawmakers are looking to punt that to just before Christmas.


OPM to Agencies: Set Up ‘Success Metrics’ to Show How You're Building Stronger Workforces

The federal government’s HR agency is taking a data-driven approach to advancing the workforce portions of the Biden administration’s management agenda.


House GOP Pledges to Prioritize More Border Personnel in New Congress

Republicans preview how they will address rising border crossings once they control the House.


It’s Now Easier to Remove Federal Employees with Disabilities

An MSPB decision has opened the door for federal agencies to remove employees based only on stigma and stereotypes.


Coronavirus Roundup: Updated Boosters for Youngsters and More Time to Get Your Real ID

There’s a lot to keep track of. Here’s a list of this week’s news updates and stories you may have missed.


Bill to 'Stop the Government Speak' in Agency Documents Clears Senate

The proposal would expand and update an existing law on plain language requirements for agencies.


Democrats Threaten Year-Long Stopgap Measure as Spending Talks Remain at a Standstill

Lawmakers concede a long-term CR would devastate agencies, though a bipartisan breakthrough to avoid a shutdown has proven elusive.


Lawmaker Accuses USPS Employees of Stealing $20K in Campaign Contributions

Various postal entities are probing the matter, but have yet to find evidence of employee involvement.


For Federal Customer Service to Work, Congress, the White House and Agencies Need 'Fundamental' Change, Report Says

A new report from the Partnership for Public Service and Accenture Federal Services outlines the systemic barriers to customer experience, and the collaboration between Congress and the executive branch needed to address them.