
GovExec Daily: Learning from Elon Musk's Twitter Management Mistakes

TalenTrust's Kathleen Quinn Votaw joins the podcast to discuss leadership lessons from the Twitter takeover.


A New Law Requires Agencies to Better Prepare for Natural Disasters

Supporters say the law is more important than ever given the growing frequency and severity of storms.


The Justice Department Tried to Hide Report Warning That Private Border Wall in Texas Could Collapse

The report confirms a ProPublica and Texas Tribune investigation that found the privately built fencing could collapse during major flooding. The federal government resisted making the findings public for more than a year.


Biden’s Pick to Oversee Highways Moves Toward Confirmation

Shailen Bhatt previously led state transportation departments in Colorado and Delaware. He’d take the helm of an agency that has drawn flak from Republicans over infrastructure law guidance.


After Providing $3B, Lawmakers Question Why USPS Isn’t Buying More EVs

The Postal Service has upped its original order of electric vehicles, but Democrats want to see far more progress after they provided the funds.


A Look at Trailblazing Women at the U.S. Marshals Service Over the Years

The nation’s oldest federal law enforcement agency recently signed onto a pledge to boost female recruitment. 


Making a Successful Shift to Digital-first Government

As they transition to providing more services online, there are ways governments can get creative working around talent shortages and entrenched bureaucracies.


Democrats Are Writing Their Own Omnibus Funding Bill to Avoid a Shutdown

Lawmakers are also floating moving the shutdown deadline to Dec. 23 as a spending agreement remains elusive.


People Had Trouble Accessing Social Security During The Pandemic and GAO Wants Them to Develop a Plan to Do Better

A recent Government Accountability Office report says SSA is not doing enough to reach vulnerable populations.


Social Security Warns Public of Declining Service if Congress Doesn’t Increase Funding

The agency that administers Americans’ retirement and disability benefits employed an unusual tactic in its effort to lobby lawmakers to approve President Biden’s proposed $14.8 billion budget for the Social Security Administration.


The Latest Improper Payment Numbers Are Here, But What Do They Mean?

The Office of Management and Budget published its annual governmentwide report on improper payments, but a fraud expert says they aren’t entirely reliable.


Air Pollution Harms the Brain and Mental Health, Too – a Large-Scale Analysis Documents Effects on Brain Regions Associated with Emotions

In a systematic review of existing studies, researchers found that air pollution such as fine particulate matter can interfere with regions of the brain responsible for emotional regulation.


Fauci’s Farewell: His Legacy, The New Booster and Forthcoming Congressional Oversight

Dr. Anthony Fauci gave his likely last appearance at the White House briefing on Tuesday as he prepares to leave the federal government after a more than five-decade career.


The IRS Will Need These 4 Things to Succeed After the Midterms

Commissioner-designate Danny Werfel has an opportunity to transform the tax agency, if given the right tools.


The Attorney General Wants to Better Help Those With Limited English Proficiency

It's been over a decade since the department encouraged agencies to strengthen this commitment, Merrick Garland says.


FEMA Explores Outsourcing Much of the $2.5B Program for Northern New Mexico Fire Victims

A contract document gives new details on how the agency plans to run the program


NARA’s Chief Innovator Won Big Last Week

Pamela Wright’s “exceptional executive leadership is invaluable to NARA, our strategic goals, and our mission,” said the acting archivist of the United States.


Conspiracy-Minded People Were More Likely to Hesitate on COVID Vax

New research shows that people who had a conspiracy mindset before the pandemic were more likely to believe fake info about COVID.


House Panel Advances Bill to Force Tracking on Ballots Mailed Through USPS

While Republicans have reservations about voting by mail, the bill won overwhelming bipartisan support.