
ICE Employee Who Repeatedly Told Coworkers to Vote Hillary Is Barred From Federal Service

Watchdog is cracking down on feds in immigration who inappropriately voiced support for Clinton in the 2016 election.


Play of the Day: A Very Expensive Ostrich Outfit

Former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort spent a lot of money on clothes.


Nonprofit Files Hatch Act Complaints on 10 White House Officials

Social media posts from budget director and press secretaries were partisan, group argues.


Play of the Day: The Specific Language In The President's Tweets

When Trump says the Justice Department "should" cancel the Mueller probe, is it a command or an opinion?


Opposition to a Space Force Simmers in the Senate

But Republicans who oppose the president’s push appear largely content to hold their fire until next year.


Play of the Day: The Art of the North Korea Deal

The Hermit Kingdom is continuing its nuclear ballistic missile program, despite Trump's claims.


FEMA Executive Ousted Over 'Deeply Disturbing' Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Administrator says the agency will revamp its harassment policies following an internal investigation.


Play of the Day: A DeVos Yacht Floats Away

Maybe Betsy DeVos can use the situation for a math book problem in next year's textbooks.


President Trump Again Threatens a Shutdown Over Border Security Issues

President tweets that he would be “willing” to shut down the government if Congress does not meet his demands for the wall and several other immigration reforms.


Senators: SSA Has Carried Workforce Executive Orders Too Far

Letter accuses officials of going far beyond mandates set forth by President Trump.


Emails From Trump Education Official Reveal Ties to For-Profit Colleges

A former for-profit lobbyist turned department staffer scheduled meetings to discuss two regulations overseeing these institutions—rules that are now being rolled back.