
The Doomed Republican Attempt to Impeach Rod Rosenstein

A push by House conservatives to remove the deputy attorney general is thin on substance and futile in practice.


Trump Is Hiding His Phone Calls To World Leaders From The Public

The White House will no longer provide public summaries of the president's calls.


Play of the Day: Donald Trump Wants a Coke, Please

The leaked Michael Cohen tape has an odd moment when the future president asks for refreshment.


Trump Must Face Lawsuit on Hotel Profits, Judge Rules

Attorneys general win round on case citing violations of Emoluments Clauses.


Support For The Endangered Species Act Remains High As Trump Administration And Congress Try To Gut It

As attempts to water down the Endangered Species Act have accelerated, public support for the act has stayed high. Then why do politicians keep trying to weaken the act?


More Phony IRS Callers Heading to Prison

Attorney general calls the sentencing of 24 in an India-based scheme a significant victory.


Play of the Day: The Russian Spy Who Didn't Get The Proper Permissions

Maria Butina was charged with operating as a foreign agent by the Department of Justice.


Article Casts Doubt on the Legality of Trump's Administrative Law Judge EO

The move to give agencies greater latitude as they hire ALJs could be challenged under the Civil Service Reform Act, and agency implementation will need to follow the Administrative Procedures Act.


Play of the Day: A Second Meeting With Putin… In Washington

President Trump wants to talk to the Russian leader within a few weeks of the elections Russia is trying to hack.


E-Mail Preservation Bill Clears House

National Archives would be required to tighten rules at White House and agencies, 46 percent of which print out and file paper copies of email.


Play of the Day: 'Would' or 'Wouldn't?'

President Donald Trump clarified his remarks about Russian 2016 election meddling.


House Panel Advances Bills to Streamline Firing, Reduce Employee Protections

Legislation aims to make it easier for managers to deal with poor performers; critics say provisions will undermine due process and hurt employees.


Trump’s Meeting With Putin Draws Alarmed Responses From Both Parties

The president’s remarks casting doubt on Russian interference in the 2016 election drew rebukes both implicit and explicit from those close to, and within, his own administration.