Most TSP Portfolios Rebound After Difficult January

Nearly every fund in the federal government’s 401(k)-style retirement savings program increased in value in February.

Following a rough start to 2021, most of the portfolios in the federal government’s 401(k)-style retirement savings plan finished February in the black.

The Thrift Savings Plan’s fixed income (F) fund was the only portfolio to lose ground last month, falling 1.45%. So far in 2021, the F Fund lost 2.15% in value.

The S Fund, which comprises small- and mid-size businesses, was the strongest performer, increasing 5.21% in February and bringing its 2021 performance to 8.21%. The common stocks in the C Fund gained 2.76% last month. So far this year, the C Fund has grown 1.72%.

The International (I) Fund grew 2.26% in February, bringing its 2021 gains to 1.15%. And the G Fund, which is made up of government securities, increased 0.08% last month. So far this year, the G Fund has increased 0.15%.

All of the TSP’s lifecycle (L) funds also posted gains in February. The L Income Fund, which is designed for participants who have already begun taking withdrawals, increased 0.63%; L 2025, 1.35%; L 2030, 1.70%; L 2035, 1.86%; L 2040, 2.03%; L 2045, 2.17%; L 2050, 2.32%; L 2055, 2.93%; L 2060, 2.93%; and L 2065, 2.93%.

So far in 2021, the L Income Fund grew 0.53%; L 2025, 1.10%; L 2030, 1.38%; L 2035, 1.50%; L 2040, 1.65%; L 2045, 1.77%; L 2050, 1.90%; L 2055, 2.48%; L 2060, 2.48%; and L 2065, 2.47%.