ArtificiaI Intelligence

Senators look to mitigate risks in AI procurement

Sens. Gary Peters and Thom Tilis introduced new legislation that would codify safety measures in government contracts for artificial intelligence products and services.

Proposed federal AI roadmap would fund local election offices

Amid warnings that artificial intelligence could “totally discredit our election systems,” a group of U.S. senators released a sprawling roadmap that includes grant funding to keep elections safe from AI.

DHS sets its research sights on 8 emerging technologies

The Homeland Security Department’s Innovation, Research and Development Strategic Plan focuses its investment the next seven years on AI, cybersecurity, biotech and more. 

House bill targets AI-generated comments in rulemaking

The legislation looks to provide assurance that public comments on pending regulations come from real people.

Transportation Department seeks AI solutions for transit infrastructure

The agency is looking for ways AI can improve pedestrian safety, air traffic control, road traffic management and more.

HUD warns on AI-fueled housing discrimination

The Department of Housing and Urban Development confirmed characteristics like race and income, are protected from AI algorithmic discrimination.

Feds need to be careful when tapping generative AI for work

Human review of AI-generated outputs is critical, OPM says in new guidance for government employees.

DHS launches new AI safety and security board

The board will be made up of 22 representatives from private sector, government and academia and will advise Secretary Mayorkas on risk mitigation for AI in critical infrastructure. 

IRS commissioner indicates AI will play growing role in future tax collection

IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel opined about the agency’s current and future use of AI just days after Tax Day.

TSA looks to AI to enhance x-ray screenings of travelers’ luggage

The Transportation Security Administration is already using facial recognition to verify the identity of travelers but wants to improve its scanners to detect more prohibited items.

NIST adds 5 new members to its AI Safety Institute

The new members will focus on AI objectives related to national security, standards development and more.

EEOC says HR software company Workday should face bias claims in lawsuit

The federal agency filed an amicus brief in a case in which a job applicant is alleging algorithmic discrimination.

How TSA’s opt-outs for biometric screenings informed White House AI policy

The Office of Management and Budget’s recent guidance on the government’s responsible use of AI elevates TSA's practice of allowing travelers to decline biometric scans at airport security to national policy.

USPTO says existing rules apply to AI-crafted submissions

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office reaffirmed its existing regulations will apply to AI-assisted applications and filings.

5 agencies join Justice in pledge to protect civil rights against AI-fueled discrimination

The agencies pledged to use their existing enforcement authorities to tackle cases where artificial intelligence may impact Americans’ civil rights.

AI is creating ‘more sophisticated’ but not unprecedented election threats, DHS official says

AI is likely to create more convincing phishing campaigns but is “not necessarily introducing a new threat or risk in and of itself,” the official said.

New White House policy mandates safeguards for federal AI use

The White House also announced new hiring goals for AI talent, a request for information on the procurement of AI and more.