
New White House policy mandates safeguards for federal AI use

The White House also announced new hiring goals for AI talent, a request for information on the procurement of AI and more.


Pentagon’s outgoing AI chief warns Congress of the safety and accuracy risks of the emerging tech

Craig Martell, the DOD’s chief digital and artificial intelligence officer, warned that ensuring the accuracy and value of large language models will be the “biggest charge” for his successor.


The future of Border Patrol: AI is always watching

Human rights advocates warn of algorithmic bias, legal violations, and other dire consequences of relying on AI to monitor the border.


Lawmakers eye 2025 defense bill for AI proposals

A leader of the Senate’s bipartisan AI working group said that next year's must-pass defense policy bill could include some substantive AI proposals, but the Senate is “not ready” for a comprehensive AI bill at this time.


GOP bill aims to limit IRS’ use of AI

The legislation — cosponsored by Reps. Clay Higgins, R-La., and Eric Burlison, R- Mo. — could look to put new restrictions on the tax agency’s deployment of AI in its revenue enforcement efforts and require staff to launch new investigations. 


Pentagon names new top official for digital and AI

Radha Plumb, currently deputy undersecretary of Defense for acquisition and sustainment, will replace Craig Martell as Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Officer on April 8.


Civil Rights commission digs into government use of facial recognition

The tech poses “serious threats to our fundamental rights,” the chair of the commission said during a Friday briefing.


Biden's $1.67 trillion budget boosts tech, AI

The Biden administration’s FY2025 budget request provides agencies with $3 billion “to responsibly develop, test, procure and integrate transformative AI applications across the federal government.”


How the procurement process can help agencies acquire responsible AI

Buying artificial intelligence is not just about setting new policies to manage emerging technology, but applying tried-and-true processes, one expert says.


Using AI to fight fraud is paying off, Treasury says

The tech has helped recover over $375 million since Treasury began using it over a year ago.

Pay & Benefits

OPM wants to entice more AI talent with new benefits guidance

The HR agency unveiled new pay and benefits flexibilities to help snag in-demand workers with expertise in artificial intelligence technology. 


DOJ names its first chief AI officer

The new role is intended to focus on building a tech-ready workforce and interagency cooperation.


Lawmakers urge VA to tread carefully with AI

The Department of Veteran Affairs’ 2023 inventory of AI use cases listed 100 instances where VA is working to use emerging technologies, with at least 40 of those examples in an operational phase.


OPM announces survey to analyze AI in government jobs

The move marks the second step in a years-long process to prep federal agencies for working with artificial intelligence.


FTC cracks down on AI impersonation scammers

The Federal Trade Commission is looking to extend its authority to target fraudsters impersonating individuals in scams. The proposed rule covers the misuse of generative artificial intelligence and other technologies.


No new agency needed for AI regulation, lawmakers say the existing framework can get it done

A single, overarching AI regulation package or a new AI regulatory agency is unlikely to emerge from Congress, members said.


Agencies are on track with AI executive order deadlines, White House says

At the 90-day mark since President Joe Biden’s sweeping artificial intelligence executive order, agencies have met mandated timelines, with some initiatives ahead of schedule.


Why AI can’t replace air traffic controllers

Humans are likely to remain a necessary central component of air traffic control for a long time to come.


Can NIST get it all done?

The small technology agency has a big share of the responsibility for executing on the Biden administration's executive order on artificial intelligence.