
House lawmakers join push for agencies to disclose public-impacting AI uses

A group of House members from both parties rolled out companion legislation to a Senate bill that would require agencies to notify individuals when they are engaging with AI tools.


DOD’s AI adoption efforts are starting to pay off, Pentagon official says

The Defense Department considers emerging technologies at “the center of how we think about planning for what the future of the military should look,” according to the head of the Pentagon’s Force Development and Emerging Capabilities office.


Employees need drastic reskilling to deal with generative AI’s data needs

Data analysts are just one part of the picture, observers said. Governments will also need data architects and business analysts, as well as ethicists to help with its responsible use.


OPM authorizes hiring flexibilities for AI

Government hiring tools like direct hire and Schedule A appointments are meant to help with an executive order-mandated AI talent surge into the government.