
GovExec Daily: A 2021 Year in Review

Tom Shoop joins the podcast to discuss the biggest stories of the year that was.


Reversed Employee Suspension at USDA Leads to New Policy on Employee Publishing Rights

Employee successfully challenges an agency's attempt to prohibit her from conducting certain activities when off the clock.


GovExec Daily: Ahuja on Pay, COVID-19 and Hiring

The OPM chief joins the podcast again to discuss how to make the civil service younger, pay scales and how the COVID-19 rules are affecting federal employees.


GovExec Daily: OPM Director Kiran Ahuja on the Biden Management Agenda

The Office of Personnel Management chief joins the podcast to discuss her agency's role in executing the PMA.


Senator Seeks Feds' Assistance in Identifying Mistreatment of Career Staff

Committee has received allegations of political interference by Biden officials, Republican lawmaker says.


House Approves Sweeping Reforms to Protect Feds, Boost Agency Oversight

Just one Republican votes in favor of the changes to whistleblower, inspector general, vacancy and other civil service laws.


GovExec Daily: When Will Unvaccinated Feds Face Discipline?

Erich Wagner joins the podcast to discuss the Biden administration moving the deadline.


GovExec Daily: What's Next For the Legality of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

Federal employment attorney John P. Mahoney joins the podcast to discuss next steps for those in – and out of – compliance with the rules.


Ahuja: OPM Has Hired More than 300 as Part of Agency Rebuild

The director of the Office of Personnel Management said a recent report on how to reform the HR agency has “galvanized” its workforce in support of change.


GovExec Daily: Why This Management Agenda Is Different

Terry Gerton and Robert Shea join the podcast to discuss the Biden-Harris administration’s Management Agenda Vision.


The Biden Blueprint for the Future of Work

OPM Director Kiran Ahuja explains how the President’s Management Agenda will create an equitable and accountable government that will deliver results for all Americans.


Biden’s Management Agenda Puts Feds Front and Center

A focus on creating “good jobs” and fostering partnerships with organized labor marks a departure from previous agendas’ more technocratic approaches.


GovExec Daily: Planning for Office Reentry

Erich Wagner speaks to two agency human capital officers about the future of work.


GovExec Daily: What do Feds Really Want at their Workplaces?

Accenture's Britaini Carroll joins the podcast to discuss research on how to support and retain top talent.


GovExec Daily: What if Feds Just Refuse to Get Vaccinated?

Employment attorney Stephanie Rapp-Tully joins the podcast to discuss discipline and next steps.


GovExec Daily: Modernizing Public Service… And Public Servants

GovLab chief and author Dr. Beth Simone Noveck joins the podcast to discuss her new book.


Immediate Sidelining of Trump Burrower by Biden Administration Was Appropriate, IG Finds

The official's hiring by the National Security Agency had generated significant concern, but a watchdog says the decision was above board.


How Government Is Failing Public Servants

A new book argues that federal and state governments need to articulate a vision for training their workers for problem solving in the 21st century.


Federal Employee Appeals Board Now One Step Closer to Ending Years-Long Dysfunction

Biden's nominees to the Merit Systems Protection Board are now heading to the full Senate for a vote.