
What Democrats’ Senate Majority Means for Federal Agencies

With control of the Senate and its committees, federal workers can expect a slew of changes in legislative and oversight priorities.


Federal Workforce Attrition Under the Trump Administration

Unusually high attrition among senior civil servants undermines the effectiveness of the federal workforce, a new analysis shows.


GovExec Daily: The Trump Presidency's Effect on Workforce Management

Dr. Donald F. Kettl joins the podcast to look retrospectively at the past four years and how they've shaped the management of the civil service.


GovExec Daily: The Dangers of Schedule F

The Project on Government Oversight's Nick Schwellenbach joins the podcast to talk about the workforce order and its effect on the civil service.


As White House Steps Up Schedule F Implementation, ‘Lawmakers Don’t Get It’

Recent moves by OPM are stoking fear that the Trump administration is accelerating plans to politicize federal jobs as the window closes on Congress’ ability to block the move.


GovExec Daily: Workforce Management During a Transition

National Academy of Public Administration Fellow Jeffrey Neal joins the show to talk about personnel issues between administrations and at the beginning of a new admisnistration.


Incoming Biden Officials Praise Career Federal Workers

Nominees' new tone marks contrast from the often adversarial relationship between Trump administration and career feds.

Pay & Benefits

The Federal Gender Pay Gap Is Shrinking, But the Remaining Disparity May Be the Hardest to Eliminate

Although the gap between men and women at federal agencies has fallen from 19 cents on the dollar in 1999 to 7 cents in 2017, the vast majority of the remaining salary discrepancy is “unexplained,” watchdog finds.


How Dozens of Trump’s Political Appointees Will Stay in Government After Biden Takes Over

Documents show that officials appointed by Trump who’d otherwise lose their jobs under Biden have been approved for permanent positions in federal agencies.


Remaking Government as a Great Place to Work

For reasons now buried in history, the Office of Personnel Management has never provided leadership in analyzing or tackling workforce problems.


Inside How Biden Is Learning About Federal Agencies, Both Officially and Unofficially

The president-elect transition's team is now gleaning information from federal workers through multiple channels.


GovExec Daily: Schedule F's Present and Future

Erich Wagner and Tom Shoop joined the podcast to discuss the OMB news in light of the workforce executive order.


Lawmakers Seek Watchdog Briefings on Schedule F Implementation

Democrats asked the Government Accountability Office to keep them informed of how the Trump administration is moving ahead with a plan to politicize potentially hundreds of thousands of federal jobs in the coming weeks.


OMB Reportedly Designates 88% of Its Employees for Schedule F

One former official said the decision will make it harder, not easier, for presidents of both parties to implement their policy agendas in the future.


Biden Should Act Like ‘CEO’ of Federal Workforce, Experts Suggest

Members of a working group at the National Academy of Public Administration said merely rolling back President Trump’s workforce policies will not be enough to empower federal employees—they will need active support from the top.


The GS System Is a Barrier to Effective Governance

The rigidity of the General Schedule, the political pressure to control payroll costs, the importance of tenure and the restricted authority of managers all impede effective workforce management.


Dozens of Senators Introduce Bill Blocking Trump’s Order to Politicize the Civil Service

Legislation from a group of 40 Democrats would rescind President Trump’s executive order creating a new Schedule F classification of federal employees without civil service protections.