
EEOC Plans to Stop Providing Official Time to Union Reps Governmentwide

In an internal draft of a rules change, the commission argues official time to work on EEOC complaints should be subject to agency collective bargaining negotiations, despite statutory protections.


A Realistic Path to Modernizing the Civil Service

Ten considerations for updating and improving government operations.


Cummings’ Leadership on Federal Employee Issues, Bipartisanship Could Be Hard to Replicate

The impeachment inquiry against President Trump is likely to dominate the next Oversight and Reform Committee chair’s agenda, observers say.


Inside the Trump Administration’s Chaotic Dismantling of the Federal Land Agency

Internal records from the Bureau of Land Management contradict what its chief told Congress about a plan to ship 200 D.C.-based career staff out West. The plan would weaken the agency, which stands between federal lands and oil, gas and mineral companies.


OPM Moves to Implement Parts of Trump Order Easing Firing of Feds

Proposed rules would remind managers when new hires are approaching the end of probationary periods and streamline firing procedures.


Sanders Campaign Proposes Granting Feds the Right to Strike

Workforce, labor experts suggest there may be better ways to improve federal employees’s bargaining rights.


Rebuilding Government’s Human Capital Should be a Priority

Too often, the argument for reform is vague or the benefits unclear; on balance employees expect to lose.


Dozens of Democrats Say Trump Administration is Under Hiring and Over Firing Disabled Feds

Lawmakers want data to further investigate the hiring and firing of workers with targeted disabilities.


OPM-GSA Merger Could Cause Regulatory Bottleneck, Legal Challenges

Even if Congress were to pass the Trump administration’s proposal to reorganize OPM, it could still take years before policymakers could tackle other workforce issues.


Labor and Management Share Dim View of OPM-GSA Merger Proposal

Officials fear a provision that would send rulemaking authority to a non-Senate confirmed White House official an attempt to politicize the civil service.


One State's Proven Strategy for Civil Service Reform

Under the leadership of former Gov. Haslam, Tennessee succeeded in shifting to outcomes-based management.