
The Hill Gets Serious About Digital Services

The House of Representatives is launching a digital services team, after recommendations from the House Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress.

Pay & Benefits

Hill Proposal Would Give Federal Employees a 5.1% Average Pay Raise in 2023

A bill from Democratic lawmakers would provide federal workers with a 4.1% across-the-board boost, along with an average 1% increase in locality pay.


Military Chiefs Sound Alarm at Proposal to Hold 2022 Spending to Last Year’s Level

In Wednesday testimony to lawmakers, service leaders decry what would be a record-breaking continuing resolution.


Almost One Year In: Biden’s Track Record on Nominations and Confirmations

The process underscores the challenges with so many positions needing Senate confirmation, the Partnership for Public Service said in a new report. 


One Year After Jan. 6 Attack, Push For Quick Reaction Force Is Dead On Capitol Hill

Experts also warn changes at DoD won’t speed up how quickly Guardsmen could respond to future incidents.


One Year Later: Documenting the Attack on the U.S. Capitol

The Smithsonian Institution shares its archiving efforts as the one-year anniversary of the siege of the Capitol approaches. 


OPM Faces Uncertain Funding Prospects

The federal government’s human resources agency is still dealing with budget shortfalls arising from moving background checks to the Defense Department, and the prospect of a full-year continuing resolution could exacerbate existing pressures.


Lawmakers Propose Reforms Following ‘Flagrant Mismanagement’ of Trump Hotel Lease

Oversight of the lease has been the subject of controversy for years from lawmakers, government watchdogs and outside groups.


Congress Had the Votes to Overhaul How the Military Handles Serious Crimes. Why Didn’t It?

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand says that despite rare bipartisan backing, ‘four men, in a closed room’ blocked long-sought changes to how the military handles sexual assault and other major justice issues.


Republicans Try to Undo Health Care Worker Vaccine Mandate

This is similar to the attempt to block the private business vaccine rule. 


Liberals ‘Need to Get On the Defense Committees,’ If They Want Change

“At this point, I think defense is just not that important to progressives one way or the other,” said one expert after Democrats came away from negotiations empty handed.


Biden’s FDA Pick to Prioritize Workforce Retention, Trust

Dr. Robert Califf already served in the role under the Obama administration. 


With Defense Bill Set to Change Military Justice, One Senator Pushes for More

Gillibrand plans to call for an up-or-down vote on several proposals tossed from the 2022 NDAA.


Defense Spending Could Rise, Wall Street Analysis Say

Ten months into the Biden administration, predictions of flat budgets are evaporating amid inflation and Congress delays.


Compromise Defense Policy Bill Repeals Pentagon’s Two-Year Probationary Period, Grants Feds Bereavement Leave

Left out of the final bill was a provision that would align the General Schedule and Federal Wage System locality pay maps.


Should Military Police Wear Body Cams? Congress is Asking

After BLM and Jan. 6, some say the tech is "long overdue," but others scoff that it’s "a solution in search of a problem."


Congress Passes 10-Week Stopgap Spending Bill, Narrowly Avoiding Shutdown 

Lawmakers sidestepped last-minute hurdles in effort to buy time for passing full-year funding.  


House Panel Advances OPM Reform Legislation

Republicans opposed the bill aimed at insulating the Office of Personnel Management from political interference, arguing that doing so would lead to “unaccountable bureaucrats.”