
Watchdog: Congress Should Consider Legislation Spelling Out Protections for Global Media Agency’s Journalistic Integrity

While current leadership has worked to rectify changes from the previous administration, the boundaries of the firewall “are not specifically laid out in legislation,” GAO said. 


Vacancies Act Deadline Looms for Many of Biden’s Acting Officials, But the OMB Director Is an Exception

A statutory provision allows the deputy director of the management and budget office to serve as the agency’s acting leader indefinitely. 


Top Republicans Request More Information on Federal Employee Vaccine Mandate

They wrote to three agencies with concerns about the mandate, including that it might contribute to attrition that would make it difficult for agencies to fulfill their missions.


Lawmakers Push to Extend Deadline for Alaska Native Corporations to Spend COVID-19 Relief Funds

The Supreme Court ruled in June that these corporations are in fact eligible for the money, but now they are racing to spend it ahead of a December 31 deadline.


Cancers Strike US Fighter Pilots, Crews at Higher Rates, Air Force Finds

Nearly 30% higher likelihood of testicular cancer and roughly 25% for skin and prostate cancer, according to the military’s most comprehensive study yet.

Pay & Benefits

House Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Overhaul Federal Firefighter Pay, Benefits

Under a new bipartisan bill, federal wildland firefighters would make at least $20 per hour.


All Inspectors General Need Testimonial Subpoena Authority, Watchdogs Say

Three IGs testified before lawmakers about various reforms needed to improve their oversight. 


Lawmakers Look to Rekindle Efforts to Build a New FBI Headquarters 

A Senate appropriations bill for fiscal 2022 included a provision asking the bureau to move forward on plans in coordination with the General Services Administration. 

Pay & Benefits

Senate Appropriators Endorse Biden’s 2.7% Pay Raise for Feds in 2022

Spending bills unveiled by Senate Democrats Monday were silent on the issue of federal employee compensation, potentially clearing the way for President Biden’s plan.


Lawmaker Introduces Standalone Bill for Biden’s Health Agency 

The Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health would conduct federal research on cancer and other diseases. 

Pay & Benefits

Bill to Provide Paid Family Leave for Feds Could Cost $20 Billion By 2027

Officials with the Congressional Budget Office warned that the actual price tag of providing feds with up to 12 weeks of paid family leave could vary widely from their estimate, depending on how much the new benefit is used.


GOP Lawmakers Slam Pentagon Nominee for Tweets

“Do you believe every Republican in the GOP...are they all racist?” Sen. Dan Sullivan asked Brenda Fulton.


Lawmakers Question Accounting Firms Over ‘Revolving Door’ With Federal Agencies

A recent news investigation detailed potential ethics issues over the past four presidential administrations. 


The 9/11 Commission Said National Security Vacancies Were A Problem. Biden’s Pentagon Is ‘Far Worse’

The Senate is “falling far behind” as Armed Services and Foreign Relations Committees consider 14 nominees this week.


Lawmaker Urges Watchdogs to Review Special Immigrant Visa Process for Afghans

The process has been scrutinized in the wake of the Taliban’s takeover and U.S. withdrawal. 


GovExec Daily: The Shutdown Was Averted… For Now

Eric Katz joins the podcast to discuss the continuing resolution and debt ceiling negotiations.


Lawmakers Introduce Smattering of Bills to Avoid Future Shutdowns

The last-minute action to keep federal agencies open past Sept. 30 has spurred a flurry of legislation aimed at automatically funding federal programs in the face of congressional inaction.