
The Forever War is Over. Its 2001 Authorization Lives On.

Pentagon says “over the horizon” strikes in Afghanistan will be conducted under the AUMF passed two decades ago.


GovExec Daily: What Feds Need to Know About a Potential Shutdown

Erich Wagner joins the podcast to discuss pay and benefits in case a funding lapse occurs.


Austin, Milley Say White House Was Advised to Keep US Troops in Afghanistan

The Afghanistan evacuation that resulted was “a logistical success but a strategic failure,” Milley said.


GovExec Daily: The Shutdown Watch Begins

Eric Katz joins the podcast to discuss the continuing resolution negotiations.


Milley’s China Calls During Trump Defeat Were ‘Lawful,’ Conveyed Reassurance, Pentagon Says

Some Republicans are seeking his ouster, but the Joint Chiefs chairman is the first to serve a guaranteed four years.


Republican Senators Look to Make CDC Director a Senate-Confirmed Position

The job has been subject to much attention and scrutiny over the past almost two years due to the coronavirus pandemic.


Congress’ Afghanistan Oversight Marred By Politics

Lawmakers overwhelmingly postured instead of asking America’s top diplomat real questions.


Will Congress Ever Repeal Its Post-9/11 War Authorizations?

The passage of two decades since the Sept. 11 terror attacks might be a “wake-up call” for lawmakers.


Lawmaker Opinion on Federal Employee Vaccine Mandate Breaks Along Party Lines

As President Biden announced an executive order requiring all federal employees and contractors to get vaccinated against COVID-19, he accused some Republican officials of sabotaging efforts to end the pandemic.

Pay & Benefits

Provisions Easing Firefighter Shift Trades and Equalizing Locality Pay Make It Into Major Defense Bill

The odds of two key priorities of federal employee unions becoming law shot up as they were attached to the fiscal 2022 National Defense Authorization Act.


Marine Corps Commandant Wants Review of Afghanistan Evacuation

“While it's relatively fresh in our minds, we need the honest, open critique,” Gen. Berger says.


Lawmakers Load Defense Bill With Measures Demanding Answers for Afghanistan's Fall—and Its Future

Armed Services Committee members passed several bipartisan Afghanistan-related amendments amid partisan jabs at Biden.


The Future of U.S.-Taliban Relations

Blinken says cooperation is possible, but only if Taliban acts appropriately.


Annual Defense Policy Bill Includes Repeal of Two-Year Probationary Period for Pentagon Hires

The reduction of the probationary period to one year is among several provisions in the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act that will affect civilian personnel.


Afghanistan Watchdog to Brief Lawmakers on Tuesday

“It is vital to understand what happened in Afghanistan,” said House Republicans in requesting the bipartisan briefing.