
GovExec Daily: The Contractor Vaccine Mandate Confusion

Courtney Bublé joins the podcast to discuss the court decision that will affect contractors.


The Ban on the Contractor Vaccine Mandate Was Lifted Partially. That Could Cause Confusion.

“At this time, the nationwide injunction remains in effect, and thus agencies should continue not to take any steps to enforce Executive Order 14042,” said a spokesperson for the Office of Management and Budget. 


Key Agencies Are Shedding the Exact Employees They Need to Spend New Infrastructure Dollars

Watchdogs caution agencies could face critical staffing shortages that could impact implementation of Biden's signature infrastructure law.


Senators Are Urging DOJ to Flex Its Debarment Authority

Two Democrats say that companies are getting away with "ripping off the government" because of the reluctance to exercise suspension and debarment authorities.


Senate Passes a Bill to Root out Conflicts of Interest in Federal Contracting

The Preventing Organizational Conflicts of Interest in Federal Acquisition Act sets new disclosure requirements and expands authorities for federal contracting officers. 


Small Business Contract Awards Hit Record $154B

But fewer of those companies are entering the federal market or competing for the work, the Small Business Administration says.


Bipartisan Group Seeks to Limit Who Federal Agencies Can Contract With

Organizations involved with certain adversarial nations creates conflicts of interest, the senators say.


The Labor Dept. Moves Forward on Reducing Turnover on Service Contracts 

A forthcoming proposed rule will carry out an executive order the president signed last fall. 


The House’s Defense Policy Bill Could Codify Contractor Minimum Wage

The House is set to vote this week on its version of the fiscal 2023 National Defense Authorization Act, an annual must-pass bill that often serves as the vehicle for provisions impacting the federal workforce.


GSA Looks to Help Get LGBTQI-owned Small Businesses in the Contracting Mix

The agency is going to work with the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce as part of an effort to increase access to contracting for LGBTQI-owned small businesses.


An SBA Team Targets Set-Aside Contracts Awarded to Ineligible Firms

The Office of Government Contracting and Business Development successfully steered over $5 billion in contracting opportunities for small businesses away from firms that were ineligible for set-asides.


Boeing Can’t Find Enough Workers to Build the New Air Force One

A new GAO report details the latest setback for the presidential planemaker. 


Lawmakers Want to Know How Much Bad Software Costs DOD

When the House Armed Services Committee begins its markup process of the annual defense authorization bill on June 8, look out for a provision asking the Pentagon to account for wasted money and lost productivity caused by poorly performing software.


The White House Just Pulled Its Nominee to Fill the Still-Vacant Job of Federal Procurement Chief

The Office of Federal Procurement Policy has not had a confirmed leader since the Trump administration, despite the Biden administration's goals to use procurement to advance equity and curb climate change. 


Agencies Aren't Hitting Disconnection Targets Under EIS

Some agencies may have to exercise "continuity of service" contract clauses to keep phones, internet and other network services online beyond the May 2023 deadline.


Federal Call Center Workers Strike Over Pay, Healthcare Costs

Employees at Maximus call centers working on Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services contracts, conducted a two-day strike this week seeking pay and better healthcare coverage.