
Climate’s Role In Armed Conflict Will Likely Increase

As global temperatures climb, the risk of armed conflict is expected to increase substantially, experts say.


U.S. Blames Tanker Attacks On Iran; CENTCOM Releases Surveillance Video

Military officials say imagery shows Iranians in boats at the tankers, handling a mine and trying to capture crew members.


The Defense Department Is Worried About Climate Change – And Also a Huge Carbon Emitter

Many current and former U.S. military leaders call climate change a serious national security threat, but few of them mention the Defense Department's big carbon footprint.


U.S. Intelligence Officials and Satellite Photos Detail Russian Military Buildup on Crimea

Five S-400 anti-aircraft missile batteries, plus additional troops and fighters, let Moscow better defend the Black Sea and threaten Europe and the Middle East.


U.S. to Send 1,000 More Troops to Poland

Last fall, Warsaw asked for a tank division; White House officials are hinting at a “significant” increase.


‘Space Force’ Shrinks in House Proposal

A bipartisan amendment would trim several generals from the new space-focused component.


House Democrats Want To Ban Sending New Prisoners To Gitmo

President Trump has vowed to keep the facility open, promising on the campaign trail to fill it up with “bad dudes.”


Normandy Sand Holds Relics Of D-Day

Sand from a 1988 visit to Omaha Beach—site of the ferocious D-Day invasion—reveals that traces of the battle remain there long after June 6, 1944.


Lawmakers Want the Final Say on Air Force One Paint Job

A House panel has drafted legislation that would require congressional approval if Trump wants to change the Kennedy-era livery.


Nuclear Experts Beg Congress to Push Back on Trump Administration’s ‘Dangerous Impulses’

A letter asks House and Senate Armed Services leaders to defund small nukes and support an extension for New START.


Shanahan ‘Not Planning’ USS McCain Investigation, But Still Reviewing Facts

“There’s no restriction on how people can send email,” the acting defense secretary said.


Still 'Acting' Shanahan Faces Test With China Face-off and USS McCain Scandal

Raising the stakes for the would-be SecDef, the White House has not yet sent formal nomination paperwork to the Senate.


Viewpoint: A Stain on the Honor of the Navy

In acceding to a White House request to cover the name of the USS John S. McCain, officers and officials revealed a rot within the service.


Top U.S. Officer: Iran’s Threats Look Like a ‘Campaign’

The Joint Chiefs chairman says he saw ‘multiple threat streams that were all, perhaps coming together, in time.”


Viewpoint: The Navy Didn’t Take My Reporting Seriously

Emails obtained using a FOIA request reveal how naval officers really feel about critical reporting.


Doping Soldiers So They Fight Better – Is It Ethical?

Doping is condemned in sports. But what about in the military? Should soldiers be allowed or even encouraged to take drugs that make them superior fighters and more likely to complete a mission?


U.S. To Send 900 Troops To Middle East To Counter Iran

The Trump administration insists that the deployment is purely defensive.


Senate Panel Votes to Let Gitmo Prisoners Into U.S. for Medical Treatment

With an aging population, Democrats in the House, and Navy officers asking for guidance, there’s a chance it finally passes.


U.S. Probes Suspected Chlorine Attack

Military action against Syria over the use of chlorine would represent a de facto shift in policy.