
House Democrats Hope to Curb Diversions of Pentagon Spending to Border Wall

Armed Services members’ bill targets Defense Department construction fund transfers.


Trump’s Counter-Iran Moves Are Provocative, But They’re Not War

Truly bad messaging is undermining trust among allies and the American public — and increasing the chance of accidental escalation.


Trump Taps Shanahan To Lead Defense, Ending Months of Speculation

The nomination marks the beginning of the end of the tenure of the longest-serving acting defense secretary.


CBO: Space Force Could Cost $3B Up Front, $1.3B Annually

The new independent analysis comes as lawmakers weigh the creation of a new branch of the military.


Don’t Expect the Military’s Next Fighter to Be Joint

While the Navy’s and Air Force’s next tactical jet might share some capabilities, a Navy official says, they won’t share an airframe.


Fighter Jets with Missile-Killing Lasers Take Another Step Toward Reality

U.S. Air Force says a ground-based laser downed multiple test missiles over New Mexico.

Pay & Benefits

Shifting the Pentagon’s Employee Training to OPM Could Save Millions

The move also establishes the Defense Department as a petri dish for OPM to obtain more data on how employees learn and where more training is needed.


Pentagon Warns Of China’s Rise in the Arctic, Missile Subs, Influence Operations

Annual "China Military Power" report notes that Beijing’s deterrence fleet is up to six ballistic missile subs.


Lawmakers Probe Navy, Marine Corps Plans on Climate Change

Trump’s picks for Chief of Naval Operations and Marine Corps Commandant sailed through their confirmation hearing on Tuesday.


American Military Duties Grow at the Mexico Border

Service members will have permissions that go beyond "observe and report," the Defense Department announced late Monday.


Here's the U.S. Navy’s Drone Tanker, on the Road

A test prototype of Boeing’s MQ-25 carrier-based refueling aircraft gets a ride to its test airfield.


The Navy Wants Pilots to Report Strange Sightings in the Sky, But Not As 'UFOs'

The Navy knows the reports may seem odd, but they want to collect the data.


Guantanamo Is Becoming a Nursing Home for Its Aging Terror Suspects

The Pentagon is required to give Gitmo detainees the same medical care as U.S. troops. How's that going to work?


It’s Getting Harder to Track U.S. Progress in Afghanistan

Almost every metric “is now classified or nonexistent,” says the special inspector general for Afghan reconstruction.


Pentagon’s Digital Guru Chris Lynch to Depart

DOD office instrumental in the JEDI cloud competition is getting a new director this month.


Brain Scans Help Shed Light On The PTSD Brain, But They Cannot Diagnose PTSD

The brain can do a lot, but it is vulnerable, especially to traumatic events. Over the years, researchers have learned the unique ways in which it is damaged by experiencing or witnessing trauma.


How the Navy’s Top Commander Botched the Highest-Profile Investigation in Years

The Navy said it was abandoning all remaining criminal charges against sailors involved in fatal accidents in the Pacific. Here’s how the actions of the chief of naval operations helped doom the cases.