
Trump Gives 2020 Democrats a National-Security ‘Opportunity,’ Says Rep. Moulton

Weighing his own bid, the Iraq vet wants presidential candidates to challenge Trump on global leadership, troops, and veterans.


Patrick Shanahan’s Endless Limbo

He’s still a contender for the top job at the Department of Defense. But the more he’s in the public eye, the more his obstacles mount.


Air Force: We Need $5 Billion To Fix Weather-Damaged Bases

Without the cash, service says it will cut pilot training, ground planes, stop other base construction projects.


Pentagon Begins Moving Border Wall Money Despite House Objection

Acting deputy Norquist cites authorities while defending spending request and audit.


Patrick Shanahan Says ‘Of Course’ He Wants to Be Defense Secretary

Under increasing scrutiny, the acting secretary — and his allies — make the case for President Trump to nominate him.


The U.S. Military Is Creating the Future of Employee Monitoring

A new AI-enabled pilot project aims to sense “micro changes” in the behavior of people with top-secret clearances. If it works, it could be the future of corporate HR.


Trump Picks New Top NATO Commander

Top U.S. Air Force general in Europe will lead alliance as Trump officials continue to berate members for more money.


Top Navy Admiral Warns of Cyber Attacks Against Brass

CNO says that’s why the service stopped publishing promotion lists in October.


Here’s What We Know About the Pentagon’s 2020 Budget Request

Money to extend border barriers and lavish use of the war fund are already drawing bipartisan fire.


ISIS Is ‘Waiting for the Right Time to Resurge’: CENTCOM Commander

Gen. Joseph Votel offered lawmakers warnings on Syria — and an upbeat message on Afghanistan.


How Many Civilians Die in Covert U.S. Drone Strikes? It Just Got Harder to Say

Trump has revoked an Obama-era reporting requirement even as the CIA has resumed lethal strikes.


Top NATO General: Don’t Sell F-35 To Turkey If It Buys Russian SAMs

Gen. Scaparrotti, who leads U.S. European Command, also wants more naval forces at his disposal.


What Will Come After a U.S. Withdrawal From Afghanistan?

The U.S. has been at war in Afghanistan since a few weeks after 9/11. Now we are negotiating a peace with the Taliban, the same insurgents who sheltered Osama bin Laden.


Legislative Hurdle Delays U.S. Space Command Stand-Up

Pentagon can’t move ahead until Congress repeals a provision in the 2019 defense authorization act.


Navy Leaders Taken to Task by Lawmakers, Including One Who Was Grilling a Former Boss

Rep. Elaine Luria, an ex-Navy commander, showed her insider knowledge of naval operations in questions to the admirals appearing before a House Armed Services Committee panel.


Top Nuke General: Russia Is Exploiting Gaps In Key Arms-Control Treaty

The leader of U.S. Strategic Command sees New START as vital, flawed, and in danger.


Navy Promised Changes After Deadly Accidents, but Many Within Doubt It’s Delivering on Them

Interviews and an examination of the Navy’s publicly announced reforms raise uncertainty over whether senior leaders have fully followed through on them after the 7th Fleet disasters in 2017.


Pentagon Wins a Reprieve with Trump Approval of ‘Residual’ Forces in Syria

General Dunford is “confident” U.S. allies will now agree to stay, but for how long remains undetermined.


AFRICOM Adds Logistics Hub in West Africa, Hinting at an Enduring US Presence

From Ghana’s capital, a new supply network will ferry supplies and arms to special forces troops across the region.


Trump Officially Directs Pentagon to Create Space Force, Within Air Force

If Congress approves, Space Force would exist like the Marine Corps within the Navy Department.