
There’s a Big Obstacle to the Pentagon’s New Strategy to Speed AI to Troops

Defense officials want to accelerate the delivery of artificial-intelligence tools from the lab to the field. But it's hard to obtain the massive data streams that make AI work.


Senate Committee Grills Navy Official Over 2017 Collisions, Seeking Data to Prove Conditions Have Changed

During an Armed Services Committee hearing that referenced ProPublica’s investigation into the deadly mishaps, a senator pressed the top commander in the Pacific to give “real numbers,” “not promises and not good feelings.”


The Navy to Create Chief Learning Officer, Overhaul Sailor Education

The creation of a Naval University and other changes are aimed at better shaping sailors and Marines for tomorrow’s wars.


The Air Force Has Won Control of the Space Force

Six months ago, service leaders said they were being cut out of the planning process. Now they’re being put in charge of it.


AFRICOM Commander: Elite Troop Cuts Won’t Help China, Eyes Shift To Conventional Forces

“It’s really a misleading narrative to say that optimization is causing us to walk away from Africa,” Gen. Waldhauser said in an interview.


The Afghan Government Is Missing From Afghanistan's Peace Process

Two sets of negotiations with the Taliban are under way in Afghanistan. Neither includes the country’s democratically elected, internationally recognized administration.


Trump: U.S. Will Be Working with Mideast Partners ‘For Many Years to Come’

The president acknowledged that the Islamic State continues to pose a threat even though U.S.-led coalition forces have retaken 99 percent of its territory.


Senior Officials Downplay Trump Plan to Keep Troops In Iraq to ‘Watch Iran’

Some Baghdad watchers say the president’s remarks could imperil the U.S. troop presence in Iraq.


The Teams Who Test U.S. Cyber Defenses Aren’t Being Tough Enough: Pentagon Report

Overworked trainers and penetration testers can’t properly simulate the worst real-world threats, leaving operators “overconfident.”


Trump Administration Downplays Fears of Post-Treaty Arms Race

"Nothing the U.S. is currently looking at is nuclear in character,” a senior administration official says, after announcing INF withdrawal.


U.S. Navy Re-Evaluating 355-Ship Goal

The number could go up or down or include different types of ships.


Acting SecDef: I Haven’t Told the Pentagon to Prep for Afghanistan Withdrawal

In his first remarks to media as defense chief, Pat Shanahan says U.S. leaders are keeping their eyes on peace talks.


Is Trump Setting the Stage for a Military Intervention in Venezuela?

“Everything is on the table, all options,” an administration official said.


Ex-Envoy to the Anti-ISIS Coalition Says Trump Has ‘No Plan’ for What’s Next in Syria

Brett McGurk faulted the president for completely reversing Syria policy after one telephone conversation with Turkey’s president.


Army Chief Confirms U.S. Will Hand off ISIS Fight in Syria

Gen. Mark Milley is the first senior military official to say the military is proceeding in Syria as Trump wishes.


Vaporizing Another Norm, Trump Goes Partisan Inside the Pentagon

The president uses a missile-defense policy rollout to bash Democrats before the military’s senior leaders.


Confusion Reigns as Pentagon Begins Pulling Equipment Out of Syria

The timeline for withdrawal remains murky amid rocky negotiations with Turkey over the Kurds.


Pentagon Owns Fewer Buildings Than Previously Thought: Audit

The Navy was counting buildings that were demolished and the Army was counting uninhabitable facilities on the books.


Pentagon Seeks a List of Ethical Principles for Using AI in War

An advisory board is drafting guidelines that may help shape worldwide norms for military artificial intelligence — and woo Silicon Valley to defense work.