The GAO report also found ARPA-H, as of July 1, 2024, has not hired any scientists who are Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander or two or more races.
The discrepancy between what men and women make in the federal government is substantially larger for those over 40 years old than that of their younger counterparts.
A new GAO report found that women, employees from historically disadvantaged racial or ethnic groups and persons with disabilities were underrepresented in senior levels at the agency.
Experts also agreed that the national security workforce will place greater emphasis on DEI efforts and facilitating transitions between federal agencies and private business.
The Office of the National Director of Intelligence’s annual demographic report found that while the Intelligence Community has made strong gains in minority applicants, attrition has led to workforce diversity declines over the past two years.
The Department of Justice Gender Equality Network said its employer could serve as a model, following the creation of a sexual misconduct response system at the department last year.
COMMENTARY | The pay gap, as the Office of Personnel Management has defined it, is an artificial number comparing the average pay of men and women. This comparison pits men and women against each other, argues one observer.
COMMENTARY | Through small, thoughtful changes in practices, the federal government can create more welcoming environments for all individuals to improve public trust, engagement, and overall performance.
An April 2024 report said the school did not act on sexual abuse claims, lacks institutional control to prevent theft and other abuses and is unresponsive to student complaints.