
Confronting Racism is Our American Duty

Any guidance on how employees can better understand and respect others is a sign of progress in a civilized society, not a threat to it, argues the leader of the National Treasury Employees Union.


Civil Rights Groups Pressure VA Ahead of GAO Racism Audit

GAO has agreed to investigate the prevalence racism at the Veterans Affairs Department after a survey revealed that the vast majority of bargaining unit employees had either experienced or witnessed acts of discrimination on the job.


OPM Memo Puts Pause on Diversity Training Across Government

The Trump administration is pushing forward with its controversial purge of training it deems “un-American.”


Hotline is Open to Report Contractors’ Defiance of New EO on Diversity Training

The recent executive order bans certain employee diversity and inclusion training the White House considers divisive. 


White House Expands Crackdown on Certain Diversity and Inclusion Training

President Trump signed an executive order that covers federal agencies, contractors, grantees and the military. 


State Department Officials Vow Cultural Shift Toward Inclusion

Officials tasked with improving diversity told a House panel that they hope recent efforts to deploy unconscious bias training and conduct surveys of those leaving the department will help improve efforts to retain employees of color, women and members of the LGBTQ community.


Viewpoint: Diversity Training Isn’t ‘Anti-American Propaganda’; Trump’s Directive Is

The administration’s mandate to end such training could be summed up as “Don’t ask white people to think about race.”


White House Moves to Redirect Funding for Some Diversity Training at Agencies

Citing unnamed “press reports,” OMB said some training conducted by agencies is “un-American” and sows division in the federal workforce.


Pentagon Seeks Input from Workforce on Improving Diversity

The request is part of Defense Secretary Mark Esper’s overhaul of personnel practices.


Blacks in Government President Seeks to Boost Recruiting, Mentoring and Advocacy at Federal Agencies 

"Diversity in the federal government enhances problem-solving ability by introducing new and diverse ways of thinking and is tied to mission effectiveness,"  says Doris Sartor. 


Retired Diplomats Urge State Dept. to Address Mistreatment of Minority Foreign Service Officers At the U.S. Border

There are “debilitating effects on the morale of our Black, Hispanic and other minority officers [from] this systemic discrimination,” said the organization. 


Trump Vows to Keep Confederates’ Names on US Army Bases

As the military wrestles with racism and its symbols, the commander-in-chief draws a line.


Who Are They? Unmarked Security Forces in DC Spark Fear

Mistaken for mercenaries, armed personnel from federal agencies refuse to identify themselves to street protestors and media.


Service Chiefs Acknowledge Racism in the Ranks, Pledge Dialogue, Change

After days of civil unrest and several Esper missteps, each one of the service branch chiefs has begun to speak out.


Supreme Court Makes It Easier for Feds to Prove Age Discrimination

In an 8-1 decision, justices found that the “plain language” of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act has a lower burden of proof for proving differential treatment based on age in the federal government than the private sector.


Native American Energy Department Employee Wins Significant Civil Rights Settlement

Jody TallBear was awarded $200,000, the restoration of 100 hours of sick leave, and executive training.