
What Would a Second Trump Term Mean For Foreign Policy?

The nuts and bolts may shift, but the approach is likely to stay the same.


Election Officials Prepare for Voter Intimidation Threat

The presidential debate fueled concerns about voter harassment at the polls.


There’s Nothing Unusual about Early Voting – It’s Been Done since the Founding of the Republic

This year is seeing a high number of absentee and mail-in ballots and voting in the period before Election Day -- but early voting periods are not new to the 2020 election.


GovExec Daily: Debates and the Electoral Process

Dr. Mitchell S. McKinney joins the podcast to examine the history of the format and what debates bring to voters.


DOJ Frees Federal Prosecutors to Take Steps That Could Interfere With Elections, Weakening Long-standing Policy

In an internal announcement, the Justice Department created an exception to a decades-long policy meant to prevent prosecutors from taking overt investigative steps that might affect the outcome of the vote.


Why Friendships Are Falling Apart Over Politics

A recent Pew survey showed just how deep the divide has become, with about 40% of registered voters saying that they didn't have a single close friend supporting a different presidential candidate.

Pay & Benefits

Biden Vows to Raise Federal Employees' Pay and Protect Benefits

In a questionnaire published by the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association, the former vice president said he would abandon efforts by the Trump administration to force federal workers to contribute more to their defined benefit retirement accounts.


GovExec Daily: The Trump and Biden Pandemic Response Plans

Courtney Bublé and Eric Katz join the podcast to discuss how each major-party candidate is planning to address the COVID-19 crisis.

Pay & Benefits

GovExec Daily: The Future of Pay and Benefits Under Trump or Biden

Erich Wagner joins the podcast to discuss how the two major-party candidates would approach the federal workforce if elected.


GovExec Daily: Bending or Rebuilding the Bureaucracy in the 2020 Election

Courtney Bublé, Eric Katz and Erich Wagner join the podcast to discuss their election stories on Joe Biden and Donald Trump.


Poorly Protected Postal Workers Are Catching COVID-19 by the Thousands. It’s One More Threat to Voting by Mail.

More than 50,000 workers have taken time off for virus-related reasons, slowing mail delivery. The Postal Service doesn’t test employees or check their temperatures, and its contact tracing is erratic.


What the U.S. Needs to Do to Secure Election 2020

Paper ballots and updated voter machine standards are among the best ways to protect democracy and the security of the election, experts say.


Mail-In Voting Lessons from Oregon, the State with the Longest History of Voting by Mail

Oregon's experience shows that mail-in voting can be safe and secure, providing accurate and reliable results the public can be confident in.


If Trump Refuses to Accept Defeat in November, the Republic Will Survive Intact, as It Has 5 out of 6 Times in the Past

Five of the six contested presidential elections in U.S. history were resolved and the country moved on -- one ended in civil war. What will happen if the upcoming election is contested?


Trump Promises to ‘Crush’ Coronavirus, Double Down on First-Term Priorities

“We will lead America into new frontiers of ambition and discovery,” the president said of his second term plans during the Republican National Convention.


GovExec Daily: The Postmaster General's Appearances on the Hill

GovExec's Eric Katz joins the podcast to discuss Louis DeJoy's two recent appearances before Congress.


GovExec Daily: Managing Dialogues Outside Your Bubble

University of California, Santa Barbara's Dr. Tania Israel joins the podcast to give tips on having meaningful conversations with people who may not agree with you.


For Election Administrators, Death Threats Have Become Part of the Job

In a polarized society, the bureaucrats who operate the machinery of democracy are taking flak from all sides. More than 20 have resigned or retired since March 1, thinning their ranks at a time when they are most needed.