
If Trump Refuses to Accept Defeat in November, the Republic Will Survive Intact, as It Has 5 out of 6 Times in the Past

Five of the six contested presidential elections in U.S. history were resolved and the country moved on -- one ended in civil war. What will happen if the upcoming election is contested?


Trump Promises to ‘Crush’ Coronavirus, Double Down on First-Term Priorities

“We will lead America into new frontiers of ambition and discovery,” the president said of his second term plans during the Republican National Convention.


GovExec Daily: The Postmaster General's Appearances on the Hill

GovExec's Eric Katz joins the podcast to discuss Louis DeJoy's two recent appearances before Congress.


GovExec Daily: Managing Dialogues Outside Your Bubble

University of California, Santa Barbara's Dr. Tania Israel joins the podcast to give tips on having meaningful conversations with people who may not agree with you.


For Election Administrators, Death Threats Have Become Part of the Job

In a polarized society, the bureaucrats who operate the machinery of democracy are taking flak from all sides. More than 20 have resigned or retired since March 1, thinning their ranks at a time when they are most needed.


Former National Security Officials from Republican Administrations Endorse Biden

The 73 former officials and lawmakers say Trump is a danger to the nation through his words and actions. 


The Bush-Gore Recount Is an Omen for 2020

An oral history of the craziest presidential election in modern history


Biden Pledges to Lead Empathetic Government, Rely on Experts

Democratic presidential nominee says he will not muzzle scientific experts and will allow them to share with Americans the “honest, unvarnished truth.”


Biden’s Long Foreign-Policy Record Signals How He'll Reverse Trump, Rebuild Old Alliances and Lead the Pandemic Response

How would Joe Biden engage a world upended by Trump? A diplomacy expert explains what Biden's history says about his foreign policy priorities.


OSC Outlines Hatch Act Compliance Requirements for Convention Speech at White House

“If something falls into a gray zone, I recommend people seek OSC's Hatch Act advice before assuming something is either okay or a violation,” said a former OSC official.


1864 Elections Went on During the Civil War – Even Though Lincoln Thought It Would Be a Disaster for Himself and the Republican Party

Lincoln's chances of reelection in 1864 were dim. He was presiding over a bloody civil war, and the public was losing confidence in him. But he steadfastly rejected pleas to postpone the election.


6 in 10 Likely Voters Support Voting by Mail

A new survey finds that 66% of likely voters support voting by mail for all Americans for the November election and just 22% oppose that idea.


GovExec Daily: Election Security as November Approaches

The Alliance for Securing Democracy's David Levine spoke to the podcast about how to keep voters – and votes – safe at the polls.


Election Experts Warn of November Disaster

"The coronavirus has really laid bare the cracks in our system."


GovExec Daily: The FEC Loses Its Quorum

Courtney Bublé joins the show to examine how the Federal Elections Commission can go forward with only three commissioners.


The Marijuana Superweapon Biden Refuses to Use

Legalizing marijuana is extremely popular. So why won’t Joe Biden embrace the idea?


The Nation’s Campaign Finance Watchdog Will Once Again Be Rendered Toothless 

Without a quorum, the Federal Election Commission can’t carry out its key duties as elections near. 


GovExec Daily: Security and the November Election

Mark Testoni, CEO of SAP National Security Services, joins the podcast to discuss how government can thwart threats to the upcoming election.