
Analysis: The Postal Service Is Steadily Getting Worse — Can It Handle a National Mail-In Election?

Postal delays and mistakes have marred primary voting, and after years of budget cuts and plant closures, mail delivery has slowed so much that ballot deadlines in many states are no longer realistic.


Election Assistance Commission Regains Permanent Leaders In Top Positions

After nearly eight months, the agency now has a permanent executive director and general counsel.


19 Facts About The 19th Amendment On Its 100th Anniversary

Women's historic struggles to vote continue to resonate as the country debates who should vote and how.


GovExec Daily: Mail-In Voting During the Coronavirus

Courtney Bublé joins the podcast to discuss how the 2020 elections will be affected by the pandemic.


Finally With a Quorum, Federal Election Commission Faces ‘Extensive Backlog of Cases’

The nation’s campaign finance watchdog gets back to work after being hamstrung the last eight and a half months.


Good Government Groups Are Skeptical of Republican FEC Nominee

A Senate committee voted along party lines to advance the nomination of Trey Trainor to the agency that enforces campaign finance laws.


For Biden, Naming Cabinet Before Election Would Be a Big Risk

Vice presidential picks don't have much direct effect on campaigns, but can give voters insight on a candidate's judgment and leadership ability. Early Cabinet selections are likely to be similar.


Trump Denigrates Vote By Mail, But Troops Have Been Doing It For Decades

“Fraud is extremely rare in mail voting” says one expert, noting there are a number of security features associated with such ballots.


Who Has Emergency Authority Over Elections? Nobody’s Quite Sure.

The tug of war over whether and how to hold Tuesday’s Wisconsin primary exposes a national problem: State and local officials with the most experience running elections lack the power to revamp or postpone voting during a crisis.


Voting by Mail Would Reduce Coronavirus Transmission but It Has Other Risks

As COVID-19 spreads, many are proposing to hold the November election by mail. Without careful preparation, though, the transition could run into logistical problems and provide opportunities for voter fraud.


Election Agency Works to Accommodate Coronavirus During 2020 Campaign Season

“Even before the coronavirus pandemic, the lack of a quorum at the FEC was keeping it from taking swift action on any complaints,” said one expert.


GovExec Daily: How Government is Securing the 2020 Election

Andrea Noble and Courtney Bublé join the podcast to discuss the ability of governments to stave off election interference and other threats.


Biden Promises Pay Raises for Feds, Vows to Rely on Civil Servants' Expertise

The former vice president and current Democratic frontrunner blames Trump for "hollowing out" agencies.


Lawmaker Asks Democratic Presidential Candidates How They Would Rebuild the Federal Workforce

The Trump administration has done “lasting damage to the integrity, morale and retention of our federal workforce,” Virginia congresswoman writes.


Elections Agency Commissioner: ‘The Biggest Story at the FEC Is What’s Not Happening’

Agency received a funding increase in Trump’s 2021 budget request, but that won’t matter unless commission regains a quorum.


White House Budget Gives Election Agency More Funding, But Expert Says It's Not Enough

"A budget should be doubling down on funding [election-related] institutions," the observer argued. 


Analysis: The U.S. Could Learn How to Improve Election Protection from Other Nations

Around the world, elections are under attack. U.S. officials could learn from other countries about how to ensure everyone's vote is recorded and counted accurately


2020 Democrats Are Already Giving Up on Congress

They know their grand progressive plans could stall out on Capitol Hill. So they’re embracing executive authority instead—just like the man they hope to defeat.