
FAA Relenting on Passenger Gadgets?

For years, the techno-savvy members of the flying public have resented Federal Aviation Administration requirements that passengers turn off cellphones and other electronic devices to prepare for takeoff.


George Clooney's Run-In With the Secret Service

The actor is arrested for protesting the Sudanese government; had earlier testified on Capitol Hill with USAID officers.


The Real Issues with Telework

Here at Government Executive, we're big on telework. Part of the reason is the nature of our business: Reporters always have had to be out and about attending events and conducting interviews, so even in the pre-Internet age, the editors who managed them had to get comfortable with the notion that the employees they supervised weren't always going to be in the office. And in the Internet age, it turns out the editors often can work remotely, too.


When Budget Battles Hit the Bathroom Stall

If you're planning on traveling to Trenton N.J. in the near future, you might want to pack your own toilet paper. Bloomberg reports that public buildings in the city may soon run out because of a budget dispute involving the mayor and the city council.