
VOA’s 70th Anniversary Draws VIP Crowd


Rick Santorum, Son of Civil Servants

Addressing attendees at the American Federation of Government Employees’ annual legislative conference last week, Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, delivered an unscripted aside attacking GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum. Brown blasted the former Pennsylvania senator’s comments about the “indoctrination” of American college students, drawing enthusiastic audience applause.


Rep. Ross: I'm Not an Idiot

Do you get the feeling politicians aren't paying attention to what federal employees have to say about how things are being run in Washington? You may be wrong.


Vive la Difference


Actions Speak Louder


Greed is Not Good

Once again, a government agency has enlisted a Hollywood icon to explain an intiative in the form of a public service announcement. In this case, the choice might at first seem a little counterintuitive.


Know a Rising Star? Tell Us!


A Federal Employee Hits Back

Jason Ullner, a career Foreign Service Officer, fires back in an opinion piece in The Washington Post at those who would denigrate public service for political gain.


Gingrich's Civil Service Plan: Cut $500B a Year

It's old hat for presidential candidates to claim there are big savings to be found in managing the federal bureaucracy more efficiently.


Federal Rhino Raiders Crack Down on Smugglers

Of the five species of rhinoceros, three are critically endangered due to habitat loss and, mostly, poaching. The rhino's horn -- made of keratin, the same substance making up fingernails, hooves and hair -- is used in Eastern medicine to cure any number of ailments, from cancer to bunions.


A Threat to Stars and Stripes?

The Pentagon’s bid to save $1 million by moving the editorial offices of the famed Stars and Stripes newspaper has some of its once-ink-stained scribes upset about possible interference from the brass.


Should the IRS Change its Name to World Peace?

The IRS is in the market for some public relations assistance, the Wall Street Journal's Washington Wire reports.


Obama Pushed Dems on Retirement Contributions

If you find yourself wondering why congressional Democrats went along with a plan to boost retirement contributions for new federal employees to help pay for an extension of benefits for unemployed workers, consider this section of National Journal's report on the deal.


Why We Haven't Switched to Dollar Coins

Five times in the past 22 years, the Government Accountability Office has reported that switching from paper $1bills to dollar coins would save the government money -- measured in the hundreds of millions of dollars per year. So why hasn't Uncle Sam made the switch? That's where the story gets complicated.


Where Are All the Government Workers?

The Atlantic's Derek Thompson notes that a new Gallup survey shows that nationwide, one in six people work for government at the local, state or federal levels. And no state has fewer than one in nine.


Subsidizing Contractor Retirements?


Putting the Postal Service's Losses in Perspective

This week's announcement that the U.S. Postal service had a less than happy holiday season, ending 2011 in the red, didn't quite tell the whole story.