
U.S. Supreme Court Will Hear Cases on Border Wall Funding, 'Remain in Mexico' Policy

The Migrant Protection Protocols program has been criticized for sending thousands of vulnerable asylum seekers to Mexican border states that have seen sustained violence.


Border Apprehensions Down Sharply in 2020 but Spiked in September

Apprehensions of unaccompanied children dropped by as much as 70% in Border Patrol sectors along the Texas-Mexico border this fiscal year.


President Trump Can’t Use $3.6 Billion in Military Funds for Border Wall Construction, Federal Court Rules

The 2-1 decision from the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals comes as $3.6 billion was slated for construction of about a dozen projects, including two projects in the Laredo and El Paso areas.


ICE Deported a Woman Who Accused Guards of Sexual Assault While the Feds Were Still Investigating the Incident

The DHS and DOJ inspectors general are investigating allegations that ICE guards assaulted detainees in camera blind spots. DHS instructed ICE not to deport a key witness, then suddenly decided to allow it.


New Engineering Report Finds Privately Built Border Wall Will Fail

The report, set to be filed in federal court this week, confirms reporting from ProPublica and The Texas Tribune that found portions of the wall were in danger of overturning if not fixed due to extensive erosion just months after it was built.


Immigration Services Agency Cancels Furloughs for 13,000 Employees

Agency expects major operational impacts and says furloughs still possible in the future.


This Rural Town Swelled With Immigrants. But Will Census Count Them?

The 2020 census was supposed to show this rural town what it is now. Then came COVID-19.


ICE Guards 'Systematically' Sexually Assault Detainees in an El Paso Detention Center, Lawyers Say

Allegations include guards attacking victims in camera “blind spots” and telling them that “no one would believe” them in ICE detention centers, which imprison about 50,000 immigrants each year at a taxpayer expense of $2.7 billion.


ICE Is Making Sure Migrant Kids Don’t Have COVID-19 — Then Expelling Them to 'Prevent Its Spread'

The administration has used infection risk to justify expelling thousands of children without legal protections. But it’s only expelling kids who’ve tested negative.


After a Year of Investigation, the Border Patrol Has Little to Say About Agents’ Misogynistic and Racist Facebook Group

The Border Patrol vowed a full accounting after ProPublica revealed hateful posts in the private Facebook group. Now congressional investigators say the agency is blocking them and revealing little about its internal investigation.


Immigration Judges Union Survives, For Now

Federal Labor Relations Authority regional director rejects arguments by the Justice Department that immigration judges are managers and therefore their union should be decertified.


Federal Immigration Officials Announce Plans for Resuming 'Remain in Mexico' Hearings during the Coronavirus Pandemic

Texas must continue to reopen safely and the U.S. Department of State and the Centers for Disease Control must lower their global health advisories before hearings resume.


Trump Says He 'Disagreed' With Privately Funded Wall, So Why Did His Administration Award the Builder $1.7 Billion in Contracts to Erect More Walls?

President Trump now claims this privately funded border wall — touted as the “Lamborghini” of fences — was built to “make me look bad,” even though the project’s builder and funders are Trump supporters.


Eroding Private Border Wall to Get an Engineering Inspection Just Months After Completion

Months after the “Lamborghini” of border walls was built along the Rio Grande, the builder agreed to an engineering inspection of his controversial structure. Experts say the wall is showing signs of erosion that threatens its stability.


South Texas Landowners Are Hoping to Use President Trump's Own Words Against Him in a New Border Wall Lawsuit

Landowners are alleging that the construction of the barrier is driven by little more than racism and politics and is therefore unconstitutional, according to a new lawsuit.