
Senators From Across the Aisle Agree: Biden Needs to Nominate 6 Watchdogs, Quickly 

Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Maggie Hassan, D-N.H., underscored the need for permanent leadership to fully “promote economical, efficient, and effective administration and operation of the government.”


HHS Failed to Screen All Employees Working at Shelters for Migrant Children

The Biden administration ignored its own background check policies as it struggled to handle a 700% increase in unaccompanied children arriving at the border.


Health and Human Services Watchdog: We Need More Funding for Oversight 

The office touts its return on investment, but tells lawmakers that current funding levels don’t keep pace with investigative needs.


ATF Director Reminds Staff To Follow the Rules When Recruiting Family and Friends

The Justice Department watchdog raised concerns last December about avoiding ethical issues when hiring special agents.


Afghanistan Watchdog to Congress: We Need Help Getting Agencies to Cooperate With Us

White House and agency officials argue that the administration has been responsive to the inspector general.


DHS Watchdog Alleges Harassment, Chilling Effect and Constitutional Violations

A lawsuit filed this week alleges the Homeland Security inspector general and his office have been harassed by the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency’s investigations, among other things.


Following Concerns, Watchdog Advises DOJ on Ending Private Detention Contracts

The department’s inspector general says its recommendations on information sharing and documentation will ensure the proper stewardship of taxpayer dollars and that the department carries out the intent of President Biden’s executive order for the Marshals Service.


Another Bipartisan Push for More Financial Transparency and Accountability

“Congress must have a clear understanding of what regulatory and supervisory failures occurred to allow the collapse of both Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank,” said one Republican senator.


Watchdogs: Having the Authority to Hire People Faster Would Strengthen Oversight of Ukraine Aid 

The State, Defense and U.S. Agency for International Development inspectors general are also looking to place staff at the U.S. embassy in Kyiv.


Here’s How the Prisons Agency Fared During the Pandemic

The Justice Department inspector general outlined opportunities for reform before the next public health emergency. 


Lawmakers Want Watchdogs to Look Into Their Agencies’ Ethics Policies on Stock Ownership

This follows an investigation by The Wall Street Journal that found thousands of federal officials owned and traded stocks of companies that were affected directly by their agencies’ activity.


President Biden Issues a Sweeping Anti-COVID Fraud Proposal

One piece would be to give law enforcement and oversight agencies more time and resources to go after fraudsters. 


The Bureau of Prisons Needs to Do More to Address Inmate-on-Staff Sexual Harassment, a Watchdog Says

The report “affirms the years of widespread reports from across the country of this pervasive and demoralizing conduct in our nation's prisons,” a union president said. 


Watchdogs to Congress: Keep the COVID-Era Data Center

The first hearing of the House Oversight and Accountability for the 118th Congress focused on pandemic money and fraud.


OPM Has Replaced Its Embattled CFO Following Harassment Report

The Defense Department inspector general recently substantiated complaints that the senior executive sexually harassed subordinates and used racial slurs.


Trump’s Interior Secretary Was Cleared in Probe on Water Project and Former Client

So was the department’s ethics office that conducted a review for possible conflicts of interest.