
Key Official: Defense Information Operations ‘Not Evolving Fast Enough’

China will soon harness AI to supplant Russia as the world leader in information warfare, a DIA leader said.


Putin Authorized Smear Campaign Against Biden, US Intelligence Concludes

Less hacking, more laundering: 2020 tactics show evolution of Russian information warfare efforts.


Splitting NSA, CyberCom Now Could Reduce Military Access to Intelligence, Milley Says

The Joint Chiefs chairman says the organizations have not yet worked out how to keep the data flowing after the long-awaited split.


Intel Agency Worker Pushed His Own Drone Company, Report Details

The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency inspector general found one of its employees accessed classified and proprietary data, trying to cheat competitors.


US Space Force Becomes 18th Member of U.S. Intelligence Community

Growing threats to U.S. space assets require more intelligence collaboration, senior official says.


Trump Officials Deliver Plan to Split Up Cyber Command, NSA

An end to the “dual hat” arrangement has been debated for years — but the timing raises questions. The plan requires Milley's certification to move ahead.


Trump Officials Reviewing DOD Support To CIA

Some officials familiar with the review see it as an effort to cut vital DOD support to the agency.


As Spotlight Fades, What's Next for Special Operators?

Under Trump, the Pentagon's "service secretary" in charge of special operation forces has changed hands eight times between seven people.


Intelligence Experts Suspicious of DNI Ratcliffe On Laptop Story

The chief of the U.S. intelligence community appeared to pre-judge the conclusions of an active FBI investigation.


Defense Intel Head: We ‘Did What We Were Supposed To’ With COVID Warning

DIA chief hints that the public doesn’t yet know just what the military knew about the coronavirus.


GovExec Daily: The ODNI Briefings and Congressional Oversight

Courtney Bublé joins the podcast to discuss John Ratcliffe's letter informing Congress that ODNI will no longer provide the in-person briefings on election security.


Administration’s Decision to Halt Election Security Briefings Worries Many

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said that in an effort to prevent leaks, the intelligence community will no longer provide in-person briefings to Congress about threats, only written updates.


Meet the Federal Employee Scammers Who Pretended They Worked for the CIA

They held government jobs, but passed themselves off as having far more exciting secret careers.


Stone Knew About Wikileaks; Manafort Dished to Russian Intel, Senate Finds

After the Senate Intelligence Committee’s fifth and final report, Democrats still say collusion. Republicans still say no.


Top Pentagon Spokesman: No Conclusions Yet On Cause Of Beirut Explosion

Trump has claimed without evidence that the explosion might have been an “attack.”


Top Intel Democrat Demands Information On DHS Surveillance Of Protesters

Heavy-handed tactics by the DHS in Portland, where protests have gripped the city for almost two months, have drawn intense scrutiny in Washington.


Political Fight Over Russian Bounty on US Troops Appears to Warp Intel Debate

Democrats suspect the White House is trying to paint the assessment as less solid than it is.


Two Ways to Stop Secrecy from Undermining US National Security

Keeping America safe in the 21st century means sharing more information with allies and partners. Here’s how to start.


Was the Coronavirus Outbreak an Intelligence Failure?

Warnings about major disease outbreaks are supposed to come from national and international medical intelligence and surveillance agencies that most Americans have never heard of.