
House Democrats Ask IC for Plans to Prevent Foreign Actors from Exploiting Racial Tensions

“Unfortunately, we know that foreign actors have historically sought to exploit tensions in American communities during times like these,” they wrote.


New Intelligence Chief Takes Over as Community Has Altered Work Operations for Pandemic 

Telework, staggered schedules and use of new technology are some of the ways intelligence officials are keeping themselves and the information they gather safe. 


Senate Intel Panel Advances Ratcliffe Nomination In Party-Line Vote

The former Texas prosecutor is a deeply controversial pick for the nation’s top spy.


A ‘Mass Breakout’ of ISIS from Syrian Prisons Remains a Risk, Pentagon Watchdog Says

The coalition has had “little or no direct access” to the facilities since Turkey’s October invasion.


FBI Got Everything It Asked for in DNC Investigation, Refuting ‘Missing Server’ Myth

New transcripts released by the House intelligence committee shed light on Russia’s interference in 2016 election.


Trump's Intelligence-Chief Nominee Vows to 'Speak Truth to Power'

GOP lawmakers are seeking to speed up Rep. John Ratcliffe’s nomination, but his careful answers did not appear to satisfy skeptics.


U.S. Intel Community Says Coronavirus Was Not Made In a Lab

The statement from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence comes after months of speculation and disinformation.


Weird Hours, Contractor Concerns: How the Intelligence Community Is Grappling with Coronavirus

Intelligence agencies are trying to adapt to social distancing guidelines, but that’s leaving many employees and contractors in limbo.


Trump Fires Intel IG, Taps White House Confidant for Pandemic Oversight Role

The president’s moves late Friday night underscore the vital role inspectors general play as agencies grapple with pandemic response and unprecedented federal spending.


Senator Calls on Administration to Offer Flexibilities on Security Clearance Adjudications for Coronavirus

Sen. Warner wants to ensure that coronavirus financial hardships don’t negatively impact intelligence community employees and contractors.


New Bill Would Strengthen Protections for Whistleblowers Who Expose Classified Information

The legislation would make it so that a narrower group of people could be prosecuted for revealing such information.  


Experts Call for Reform of Vacancies Act Following Trump’s Intelligence Director Nomination

Acting DNIs can “risk our national security with extended unqualified leadership,” said one expert.


China Has Increasing Sway in U.S. Science, JASON Report Says

Beijing is using better jobs at home, aggressive intelligence agencies, and a greater financial reach to influence American institutions.


Viewpoint: The FBI Needs to Be Reformed

The inspector general’s report identified real weaknesses, particularly with the policies and procedures that govern investigations of political campaigns.


The Education Department is Investigating Foreign Influence at Two Prominent Universities

The agency wants detailed records of what the institutions received from the Russian, Chinese, Saudi Arabian and Qatar governments, as well as Huawei, ZTE and others.


Intel and Defense IGs Reaffirm Commitment to Protecting Whistleblowers During 'Searing Time'

“Time will tell whether whistleblowers’ rights and protections will emerge from this period with the same legal, ethical, and moral strength they had previously,” one watchdog wrote.