
The Law Enforcement Staffing Crisis at the National Park Service

Absent a major shift in priorities, it is only a matter of time before we see preventable deaths and other disasters, a former official says.


GovExec Daily: The Bureau of Prisons, Staffing and Vaccines

Courtney Bublé joins the podcast to discuss her story on how one agency is dealing with vaccine-hesitant employees.


Federal Agencies Brace for Saturday Rally Supporting Jan. 6 Capitol Rioters 

“Federal law enforcement agencies and the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department are in a heightened state of alert,” said a White House spokesperson. 


Federal Union Calls for Biden to Keep San Diego Detention Center Open

The union and a lawmaker are questioning the applicability of President Biden’s executive order to not renew contracts with private prisons.


Manhattan Jail Where Jeffrey Epstein Died to Close At Least Temporarily

The 200-plus inmates will be relocated and staff might be transferred or furloughed, but it is unclear so far.


Correctional Officers are Driving the Pandemic in Prisons

New research shows correctional officers are vectors of infection, driving COVID-19 rates both inside prisons and in their communities.


Senator Seeks Information on ‘Rogue’ Commerce Department Unit

The Investigative and Threat Management Service is alleged to have targeted department employees and wrongly engaged in counterintelligence operations. 


DHS Begins Deploying Body Cameras for Some Border-Based Law Enforcement Personnel

CBP will issue cameras to only a fraction of CBP personnel, who will maintain discretion in activating them.


Democrats Look to Redirect Homeland Security Hiring After Trump Era

Lawmakers advance funding measure that would slash the number of law enforcement officers at the department.


Interior Launches Probe Into Role of Law Enforcement at Department

Task force will review policies in wake of forceful tactics used by Interior law enforcement during protests last year.


President’s Authority Over DOJ Jeopardizes Independence

How much influence should a president have over the Justice Department? The answer is central to the success of America’s democratic experiment.


FBI Director Makes the Case for Increased Staffing

He touts the bureau’s low attrition rate and high number of applicants. 


Budget Request for Federal Prisons Agency Isn’t Enough, Union Says

Agency argues the president’s request “provides sufficient funding to cover ...cost increases in pay and benefits, rent costs, and prison and detention operations.”