
It’s Time for a Protected Humanitarian Airlift into Lviv

Russia has no right to dictate who may fly into and out of Ukrainian airspace.


A Private Company Has Evacuated 6,500 People From Ukraine

Global Guardian is now evacuating Ukrainians who work for Western companies and their families.


Ukraine War Could Put Food Security on Pentagon’s Plate

Global leaders from UN to Congress warn low supplies, high prices could spark conflict elsewhere.


Here's What Is Happening With the Federal Employees Evacuated From Ukraine

Groups look to provide aid to families of those required to relocate suddenly, some of whom left possessions and pets behind.


U.S. Embassy Staff in Ukraine Have Been Relocated to Poland

They are “essentially commuting,” said a State Department spokesperson.


Air Force Must Harden Pacific Bases Against Missiles, Secretary Says

Today’s unhardened, undispersed hangars are easy targets for a new generation of Chinese weapons, Frank Kendall said.


Immediate Sidelining of Trump Burrower by Biden Administration Was Appropriate, IG Finds

The official's hiring by the National Security Agency had generated significant concern, but a watchdog says the decision was above board.


The 9/11 Commission Said National Security Vacancies Were A Problem. Biden’s Pentagon Is ‘Far Worse’

The Senate is “falling far behind” as Armed Services and Foreign Relations Committees consider 14 nominees this week.


U.S. Global Media Agency Vows to Help Locally Employed Staff Left in Afghanistan

Republican lawmaker says it is “disgraceful” that about 140 locally-employed media agency staff, plus their families, are still in the country after U.S. troops finished their withdrawal.


Biden Administration Ramps Up Civilian Feds Responding to Afghanistan Withdrawal Efforts

Federal employees are calling U.S. citizens in Afghanistan and vetting Afghans as Aug. 31 withdrawal deadline nears.


Administration Faces 'Massive Logistical Undertaking' in Afghanistan

Officials blame President Biden and his predecessors for failing to tackle foreseeable and longstanding problems with Afghan relocation program.


'We’re Preparing for the Worst-Case Scenarios'

U.S. Agency for Global Media says it "will not back down" in Afghanistan despite the danger.


After Trump ‘Chaos,’ National Security Council Seeks a Return to ‘Regular Order’

The Biden White House is reinvigorating an interagency process some argue had largely halted under the Trump administration.


FBI Association Says Director Wray Should Not Be Replaced Until His Term Is Up

The group that represents active and retired special agents sent letters to President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden making the case for continuity after the presidential election. 


House Democrats Renew Calls for Bill Giving Election Agency More Funding and Responsibility 

The “For the People Act” would bolster funding and responsibilities for the Election Assistance Commission.


Former National Security Officials from Republican Administrations Endorse Biden

The 73 former officials and lawmakers say Trump is a danger to the nation through his words and actions. 


Why U.S. Troops are Pulling Back All Over Iraq

American forces have begun consolidating at better-protected bases as a new Iraqi prime minister-designate tries to form a government.


Analysis: There’s No Easy Exit for the U.S. in Afghanistan

The U.S. is taking an untraditional approach in its peace talks with the Taliban. The new deal does not contain many of the elements that are typically key to a successful peace negotiation.