
Experts Call for Reform of Vacancies Act Following Trump’s Intelligence Director Nomination

Acting DNIs can “risk our national security with extended unqualified leadership,” said one expert.


Bill Would Require Frequent Congressional Testimony from Acting Defense and National Security Officials 

Trump administration's acting officials "limit congressional oversight of our national security," the measure's sponsor says. 


Should The U.S. Have a Secretary For Influence Operations?

Two former top special operations officials say their job was too junior and the Pentagon isn’t taking information warfare seriously enough.


Analysis: The Crime of Doing the Right Thing

The former National Security Council staffer Alexander Vindman joins the club of honorable people whom the president has targeted for telling the truth.


Defense Pledges to Do a Better Job of Sharing Security Information With Overseas Contractors 

The State Department has yet to respond to an industry association letter expressing concern over contractor safety. 


Spy Agencies Stopped Collecting GPS, Phone Location Data Last Year

The decision came in the wake of a Supreme Court decision restricting law enforcement’s use of such information.


Viewpoint: Stop Denigrating the Civilian National Security Workforce and Fix It

To understaff and undermanage the military's civilian counterparts does our uniformed force an enormous disservice and undermines U.S. security.


What’s at Stake If Sen. Rand Paul Names the Ukraine Whistleblower

While there might not be legal implications, the move could hurt national security and have a chilling effect on future whistleblowers. 


Viewpoint: Robert O'Brien Should Have to Face Senate Confirmation

Requiring congressional approval would be good for Trump, good for his choice for national-security adviser, and good for the country.


Justice Department Charges Edward Snowden With Violating Non-Disclosure Agreements

Prosecutors are seeking to prevent the former NSA contractor from profiting from his unauthorized release of classified information.


The Ambassador From a Government That Doesn't Exist Yet

Carlos Vecchio and the Venezuelan opposition are betting on the Trump administration to help bring Nicolás Maduro’s reign to an end.


Trump’s Counter-Iran Moves Are Provocative, But They’re Not War

Truly bad messaging is undermining trust among allies and the American public — and increasing the chance of accidental escalation.


The CIA Presented a ‘Smoking Gun’ on Khashoggi. What’s the Senate Going to Do About it?

Lindsey Graham and others emerged from a CIA briefing convinced that Trump and SecDef Mattis are wrong about the murder.