
Controversial OPM Nominee Confirmed Mostly Along Party Lines

Senate approves Dale Cabaniss despite concerns regarding her past governmental experience and plans to merge the agency with the General Services Administration.


Agencies Offer Accommodations for Feds Affected by Hurricane Dorian

The Office of Personnel Management reminds agencies of options for federal employees in Dorian’s path.

Pay & Benefits

Trump Administration Seeks to Quash Lawsuit Over OPM Hack

Government says feds are not entitled to damages as hackers intended to use the personal information they gathered for spying, not identity theft or fraud. 

Pay & Benefits

Anti-Labor Group Urges Federal Government to Stop All Existing Union Payroll Deductions

Group's argument has already been rejected by a federal appellate court in decision that did not set a precedent.


Federal HR Officials: Get Rid of Most Hiring Authorities

Officials at the Homeland Security and Veterans Affairs departments said having too many avenues for hiring a federal employee causes paralysis at agencies.


Trump Administration Asks Court to Allow Agencies to Implement Workforce Orders Immediately

Government argues it would suffer “irreparable harm” if required to wait 45 days before an existing injunction against three controversial executive orders is lifted.


5 Ways To Protect Yourself From Cybercrime

A leader of a new effort to teach cybersecurity to local community organizations and the public at large offers some basic tips to get everyone started.

Pay & Benefits

Trump Administration Calls for Fewer Performance Awards, Stricter Rating System for Feds

Only civil servants who deliver what the "American public should be able to expect" should get bonuses, OPM says.


House Passes Defense Policy Bill with Provision to Block OPM-GSA Merger

The must-pass legislation also includes amendments granting paid family leave and protecting feds’ health insurance during shutdowns.


Lawmakers: Discussion of Furloughs at OPM Was 'Premature and Unnecessary'

Officials should have considered furloughs or layoffs as a last resort in addressing the agency's budget shortfall, senators say in letter demanding more information.


House to Consider Blocking OPM Merger, Other Workforce Proposals Through Defense Policy Bill

Proposed amendments to the annual must-pass Defense authorization bill include measures to safeguard federal workers’ insurance during shutdowns, ban the box in federal hiring and protect whistleblowers.


OPM Announces New ‘Data Scientist’ Job Title

Officials hope that an "unofficial" data science marker for federal jobs could help both with recruitment of new federal workers as well as improve evidence-based policymaking and data management efforts.


OPM Doesn’t Anticipate Furloughs in October

Acting Director Margaret Weichert sought to reassure employees that their jobs were safe despite a recent dust-up with lawmakers.