Pay & Benefits

Playing Catch-up

Catch-up contributions give the 50-and-over crowd a backdoor to the TSP.

Pay & Benefits

Travel Math

Rules for getting compensatory time off for travel are fussy and complex.

Pay & Benefits

Life and Death Planning

Employees should get paperwork and information ready so survivors can claim their benefits when they die.

Pay & Benefits

Reaping REITs' Rewards

Beyond the political disagreement, how would a REIT option affect TSP portfolios?

Pay & Benefits

The Game of Life(cycle)

Who is and who isn’t investing in the TSP’s new life-cycle funds?

Pay & Benefits

Thinking Long-Term

Insurance that covers nursing homes and assisted living costs isn’t fun to think about, but it may be a smart move

Pay & Benefits

Life-Cycle Variety

The popular new “life-cycle” funds have far lower administrative costs, but are missing some of the innovations of certain private plans.

Pay & Benefits

Performance Pay: A History

Pay for performance in government isn’t exactly a new concept.

Pay & Benefits

All About FSAs

Money saved for braces, laser eye surgery and even summer camp can be tax-free.

Pay & Benefits

Eye of the Storm

Agencies can give volunteering employees excused absences, OPM says.

Pay & Benefits

Relocation board’s charter extended through end of 2005

The Governmentwide Relocation Advisory Board’s charter given some wiggle room in case it stumbles in meeting September reporting deadline.

Pay & Benefits

Eyes on the Prize

The pay raise for 2006 is right on schedule, for the moment.

Pay & Benefits

Red Pen Scare

The countdown to implementation of the Homeland Security Department’s labor relations policies is raising fears in some employees.

Pay & Benefits

TSP Tech Turnover

The top technology official at the Thrift Savings Plan is leaving after a nine-year run.

Pay & Benefits

Power Struggle

Thrift board member proposes limiting TSP chief’s power.

Pay & Benefits

New Recruits

A group of disgruntled FAA employees tries to woo more workers to their cause.

Pay & Benefits

Courtesy Pay

Under draft OPM legislation, future pay increases would be tied not just to written performance standards, but unwritten guidelines such as common courtesy.

Pay & Benefits

Enabling the Disabled

The House is trying to speed the process of providing higher compensation for disabled military retirees.

Pay & Benefits

More Flexible?

A new, longer window for private sector workers to spend money in Flexible Spending Accounts has not yet been extended to the federal workforce.

Pay & Benefits

Pentagon Pay

A new committee will examine the military pay system and could recommend changes.