Pay & Benefits

Outside Expert

The FAA brings in a new labor relations chief to level the playing field between different groups of agency workers.

Pay & Benefits

Acrimonious Assembly

Defense workers’ unions are unhappy with the progress of the NSPS meet-and-confer sessions.

Pay & Benefits

Healthy Choices

The Office of Personnel Management will seek carriers for supplemental dental and vision benefits for federal workers and retirees.

Pay & Benefits

Boon or Bust?

The Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board might be forced to adopt a real estate investment fund it doesn’t want.

Pay & Benefits

Court Support

A recent Supreme Court ruling provides fuel for a discrimination complaint against the FAA.

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Vets’ Preference

OPM officials say new form streamlines veterans’ preference regulations.

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Class Action Complaint

A group of FAA employees have formally filed age-discrimination complaint, but leader not hopeful for reconciliation.

Pay & Benefits

Performance Pay Push

The federal government is spending more money on performance bonuses.

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Meet and Confer

Federal personnel officials will get together with union negotiators Thursday to iron out the details of the meet and confer period.

Pay & Benefits

Pick Your Fights

Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., told union members Wednesday that the Bush administration is trying to do away with collective bargaining.

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Overhaul Objections

A coalition of unions has filed a lawsuit in an effort to force the Defense Department to start over with its personnel reform effort.

Pay & Benefits

Limited Support

Even among Republicans on Capitol Hill, the Bush administration’s push for sweeping personnel reform still has only qualified backing.

Pay & Benefits

Easing the Burden

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer wants the government to pay a higher percentage of health insurance premiums.

Pay & Benefits

Here We Go Again

Members of Congress are gearing up for another pay parity fight.

Pay & Benefits

No Peeking

Proposed regulations for the National Security Personnel System should be reviewed and approved in the next few weeks.

Pay & Benefits

Lawmakers renew fight for military-civilian pay parity

Bipartisan coalition urges president to include equal pay raises in 2006 budget proposal.

Pay & Benefits

Countdown to Life Cycle

The Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board is on track to release its new life-cycle investment option in the summer of 2005.

Pay & Benefits

Take Your Time

The Office of Personnel Management decides not to dismiss federal employees from work early on the eve of the inauguration.

Pay & Benefits

Pay Pals

Senior House Democrat wants to work with the White House to develop a new pay plan for federal employees.