
Clinton's Roads to Victory

The Democratic nominee’s gains along the I-75 and I-95 corridors reflect the growing political influence of cities in the South.


How Labor’s Decline Opened Door to Billionaire Trump as ‘Savior’ of American Workers

Donald Trump has emerged as a self-proclaimed hero of the working class, yet his policies and pedigree suggest he's anything but.


Mike Pence Wants to Create 'Safe Havens' Where Refugees Could be Vetted

Not even Christians or other religious minorities fleeing violence and ISIS would be exempt from the Trump campaign’s immigration ban.


Will Donald Trump Debate Hillary Clinton?

For the second week in a row, the Republican nominee has suggested he won’t participate unless the meetings are set up to his liking.


Why Is Hillary Clinton Courting Republican Foreign-Policy Heavyweights?

National security has become a cornerstone of the case against Donald Trump—and high-profile support matters.


Hillary Clinton's Millennial Challenge

Surveys show that most young voters view Donald Trump as racist or disrespectful. Unfortunately for the Democratic nominee, they don’t think much of her either.


Obama’s Poignant, Feminist Advice to Dads

“It is absolutely men’s responsibility to fight sexism too.”


Women Really Could Be Running the World If Hillary Clinton Becomes President

For the first time ever, three of the world’s most powerful democracies could soon be led by women.


Is Trump Planning to Skip the Presidential Debates?

The Republican nominee falsely claimed that Hillary Clinton was rigging the debates and that the NFL had complained to him in a letter—perhaps preparing excuses to avoid debating.


The Battle Between Clinton and Trump is a Modern Morality Play

Trump has a deep-seated knack for playing to people's moral intuition and plans to exploit this skill all the way to the White House. The question remains: does Clinton?


Hillary Clinton Has Taught Us That 'Likability' is a Terrible Way to Choose Presidents

If we want diversity in the White House, Americans must get over their obsession with likability.


Hillary Clinton, As Defined by 12 Years of Google Searches

More than a decade’s worth of data ranks the roles with which people most associate her.


Why ‘Woman’ Isn’t Hillary Clinton’s Trump Card

Research shows that even people who consciously reject sexism often subconsciously equate leadership with men.


America's Rejection of the Politics of Barack Obama

The president’s belief in policies that can benefit all Americans is being repudiated by voters, in favor of a vision of politics as a zero-sum game.


The Democrat That Republicans Really Fear Most

Delegates in Cleveland answer a nightmare question: Would they take four more years of Barack Obama over a Hillary Clinton presidency?


Why Democrats and Republicans Speak Different Languages

The Republican National Convention proved yet again that the GOP talks about America and U.S. policy with an entire unique vocabulary. It hasn’t always been this way.


The Five Most Likely Contenders to Be Hillary Clinton's Vice President

There were many that speculated that Clinton might select Elizabeth Warren in order to shore up the further-left reaches of the Democratic party.


Why the Vice Presidency Matters

Choosing a running mate used to be more about campaigning than governing. But after Richard Nixon’s ruinous relationship with Spiro Agnew, the job has changed. Introducing the executive vice presidency.


What Anti-Trump Activists Can Learn From Chicago ‘68

RNC protests in Cleveland have been peaceful, but are they effective? A historian explains what happened at the DNC in 1968 and why activists may want to reconsider their tactics.


Nearing the Exit, Obama Escapes Defining Scandal

From Benghazi to Fast and Furious to Solyndra, GOP probes have found mistakes and mismanagement, but not legacy-shaping misconduct or corruption.