
Donald Trump is Taking a Page From Reconstruction-era White Supremacists

Trump's calls to keep "illegitimate" voters from casting ballots go back 140 years to a time when white voters were enraged by the end of slavery.


Paul Ryan's Alternate Election

Stuck with Donald Trump, the House speaker insists on running a 2016 campaign that doesn’t exist.


Donald Trump's Denial of His Reported Remarks on the Balkans

A Serbian news magazine said the GOP presidential nominee called the U.S.-led intervention “a mistake,” but his campaign said the story was a hoax.


What the WikiLeaks Emails Say About Clinton

Conservatives will see corruption and liberals will see corporatism and expedience, but the exchanges simply expose the candidate who’s been there all along.


Clinton and Trump Are Shuffling the Electoral Map

Democrats are increasingly looking toward Sunbelt states rather than Rustbelt states for victory in 2016 and beyond. Not long ago that would have been unthinkable.


Hillary Clinton's Huge Surrogate Advantage

The Democratic nominee has an all-star roster at her disposal, while high-profile Republicans continue to steer clear of Trump.


Clinton Wins Debate, But Did She Win Over Voters?

Trump missed opportunities to exploit her weaknesses, yet managed to clear the low bar of expectations.


Almost 6,000 Americans Have Already Voted for President

The election is 46 days away, but thanks to early voting, some citizens have already made their choice—and millions more have requested absentee ballots.


A Brief History of Presidential Candidates Standing in Front of Airplanes

Trump didn’t pioneer the use of planes as backdrops. In fact, the classic campaign-trail imagery predates the airplane.


The Unimpressive Chelsea Bomber Proves America is Winning the War Against Extremism

Let's not add fuel to a dying fire by giving in to xenophobia, Islamophobia, and nativism.


No Third-Party Candidates in the First Debate

Only Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will compete in the first contest on September 26.


An Unrepentant Trump Finally Acknowledges Obama as American

Donald Trump has finally said he believes the president was born in the U.S. What took him so long?


Just Why Does Hillary Clinton Want to Be President?

Returning to the trail in North Carolina after a bout with pneumonia, the Democrat sought to calm worries about not just her health but her campaign.


There’s a Great Tradition of Fainting in Politics and Government

Franklin Pierce became the fourteenth president despite the nickname "Fainting Frank."


When Hillary Clinton Coughs

A coughing spell is fueling right-wing attempts to portray the candidate as weak and frail. Her history suggests otherwise.


Are U.S. Presidential Politics Beyond a Joke?

From Alfonso the Wise's bawdy songs of slander to Ronald Reagan's sunny smile, politics and humor have gone hand-in-hand for centuries. But no one seems to be laughing anymore.


Why Trump's Immigration Switch Won't Move the Needle

The GOP nominee's shift is unlikely to drive away core supporters or attract new ones.


Who Will the Police Back in the Presidential Election?

Police leaders met with Clinton last week, but the largest union feels snubbed by the Democrat.


Hope Is What Separates Trump Voters From Clinton Voters

Donald Trump's supporters haven’t necessarily lost a job to globalization. But they’re afraid they’re next.