
Trump Under Oath Is a Different Person

What the president’s previous depositions suggest about how his interview with Special Counsel Robert Mueller might go


Trump Battles Constraints on His Power

Frustrated by restrictions on his authority, the president seems to be finding new ways to pursue his political objectives.


Grading President Trump

While he gets high marks for using his executive power to enact policy changes, by most measures, he is not doing well.


A Former CIA Director Describes the Dangers of 'Trump Unleashed'

John Brennan praises the advisers who restrain Donald Trump’s impulses, calls out the president’s “enablers” inside the White House, and considers the prospect of World War III.


Analysis: Trump's Puerto Rico Visit Is a Political Disaster

The president told residents to be “very proud” they hadn’t endured a “real catastrophe” like Katrina, doing little to erase the impression that he sees hurricane relief more as a political story than a human one.


How Democrats' Debt Ceiling Deal With President Trump May Have Backfired

The agreement cleared up a busy congressional calendar, allowing Republicans time for another attempt at repealing Obamacare.


Analysis: Trump's Buck-Passing on Immigration

The president’s decision to try to shift responsibility for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program to Congress could turn out to be one of his politically shrewder moves.


Trump Has His 20th 'Worst Week' Out of 30 in Office

For journalists, the sky is falling as the president’s performance goes from bad to worse.


An Indelible Image From Trump's 'On Both Sides' Press Conference

Once again, the chief executive chose his own words over the ones that had been prepared for him.


Analysis: Can Kelly Rein in the Unruly President?

Maybe so, but it may make Trump turn on him—and a bigger question is whether it really matters at this point.


What We Know About Trump's 'Tapes' Tease

If they exist, the Secret Service doesn’t have them, and the president still isn’t ready to talk about them.


James Comey's 'Shock and Awe' Testimony

By any normal reckoning, the FBI director’s account should have been stunning. But Americans have grown far too used to abnormal behavior.


The End of America’s Global Leadership?

American presidents have spent a great deal of time proclaiming U.S. leadership of the global system. The decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement undermines much of what they have said.


Analysis: Trump’s Zero-Sum View of The World is Most Dangerous When Applied to Climate Change

For Trump, the Paris Climate Accord must end with one country winning — or losing. In fact, all of humanity is at risk of being on the zero side of the equation here


‘Covfefe’: A Typo? A Conspiracy? A Metaphor for America?

According to Sean Spicer, President Trump's garbled late-night tweet was something much more than it seemed.


As Mueller Takes Over Trump Probe, GOP Leaders Hold Their Fire

Top Republicans are wary of undermining the president—and his legislative agenda.


Census Director’s Resignation Could Affect Control of Congress After 2020

John Thompson was more than just another Washington bean counter. His resignation may affect which party controls Congress after 2020.


Is the Watergate-Comey Comparison Simply a Way to Score Partisan Points?

Two historians debate the FBI director’s dismissal and whether it’s reminiscent of the Nixon era—or if it’s just politics.