
Obama Faces the Ex-President's Dilemma

The former president must decide how to remain an influential player in the world without intervening too much in the national debate.


Trump's Presidential Status Anxiety

As the president nears his hundredth day in office, he seems increasingly concerned about how he’ll measure up.


Analysis: How Trump Is Upending the Conventional Wisdom on Illegal Immigration

The president has been frustrated on many fronts in his first hundred days, but on his watch, unauthorized border crossings have fallen sharply.


How Trump Fell Into His Own 100-Day Trap

If the president didn’t want to be judged on the first three months of his presidency, why did he promise to get so much done in that period?


Trump Goes Back To the Future on Foreign Policy

The president’s Syria strike is a small step in reasserting the bipartisan consensus for American leadership on the global stage.


Why the CBO Scares Donald Trump

The president and his aides may prefer “alternative facts” to the real thing, but they also have little use for anyone else’s conclusions.


Even Trump's Staunchest Defenders Won't Back His Wiretap Claim

Vice President Mike Pence declined to say whether he thought the president’s allegation is true, while the White House press secretary has insisted he won’t discuss the matter at all.


President Trump Meets the Congress

Republicans got what they wanted on Tuesday night, but lawmakers say the new president has a lot more to learn about the crowd on Capitol Hill.


Trump's Budget Proposal Threatens Democratic and Republican Ambitions

The military and older whites are the big winners in the president’s budget proposal, Democratic constituencies and Republican budget hawks are the big losers.


Trump's Performative Presidency

The decision to handle the minor crisis of a North Korean missile launch in full view of Mar-a-Lago members makes little sense—except as an opportunity to act out leadership in public.


The Obama-Trump Truce Is Already Over

Previous presidents—including Barack Obama and George W. Bush—tried to avoid publicly criticizing each other. That tradition is coming to an end.


How Many of His 'Day One' Promises Did Trump Fulfill?

The president laid out 18 promises in a “Contract With the American Voter,” but he only managed to check off a handful by Monday.


How Democrats Paved the Way for the Confirmation of Trump's Cabinet

As the president’s picks run into trouble, Democrats find themselves stymied by a Senate rules change they engineered.


How To Measure Trump’s Performance

Pay close attention to the number of House Republicans looking for promotions to the Senate. If they stay put, it’s a sign the president is losing political clout.


Liberals Narrow Their List of Trump Picks to Target

Rather than complain about every Trump cabinet choice, the Senate’s most prominent progressives have put a special focus on a handful of nominees.


Donald Trump Learns to Love the Swamp

Although he spent the final weeks of the campaign complaining about cronyism in Washington, the president-elect keeps getting tripped up in influence-peddling controversies.