
The Resume Of The Future Will Tell Employers Who You Are, And Not Just What You’ve Done

Resumes frequently fail to signal how good a fit you’ll be for a job. That's going to change.


Night Owls May Have 10 Percent Higher Risk Of Early Death, Study Says

Pity the poor night owls of the world, who already must adjust to a life that doesn't align with their natural sleep patterns. Now it appears that being a night owl even raises the risk of death.


Imagine the Possibilities of Real HR Reform

The HR function costs the federal government just under $2,000 per civilian employee, compared with approximately $1,400 in the private sector.


Should I Stay or Should I Go?

It’s a question federal employees are increasingly asking themselves. A former career fed has some advice.


The Myth of 'Learning Styles'

A popular theory that some people learn better visually or aurally keeps getting debunked.


How To Run a Meeting Where Everyone Is Mad At You

Q&A sessions can be tough—even when they're not live on CNN.


How to Serve a President You Don’t Like

If you work in government, you have the opportunity to make a positive difference—no matter who sits in the Oval Office.


Working From Home Can Save You Thousands of Dollars Every Year

I calculated a dollar value of working from home—the total was higher than I expected.


Need To Negotiate? A Little Anger May Help

High-intensity anger is perceived as inappropriate and is less effective than anger of moderate intensity.


Be Realistic About Your Successes and Failures

It’s far too easy to take credit for success and blame others for failure.


What Happens When Networking Replaces Friendship

The erosion of friendship by friendly networking is no longer just for the rich and powerful.


Lead, Follow or Get Out Of The Way

This isn’t to say that you can’t have opinions and even share them, but there is a time and a place and limit for everything.