Pay & Benefits

OPM Finalizes Rule Ensuring Feds Can Change Insurance During Shutdowns

During the 35-day government shutdown, some workers were unable to make changes to their health benefits because the employees responsible for processing those changes were furloughed.


Congress Passes Two-Day Stopgap Spending Bill, Narrowly Avoiding a Shutdown

Lawmakers desperately seek to buy more time for final negotiations on spending and coronavirus relief.


With Negotiations Ongoing, Lawmakers Say Yet Another Stopgap Bill ‘Highly Likely’ to Avert Shutdown

Congress is ironing out coronavirus relief funds in conjunction with a government funding package as the Friday deadline looms.

Pay & Benefits

A Guide to Pay and Benefits During a Shutdown

Although lawmakers ultimately expect to reach a deal on federal appropriations, failure to pass a bill before Friday’s deadline could lead to a short lapse in funding. Here's what feds need to know.


House Passes One Week Stopgap Spending Bill

Lawmakers send measure to Senate and hope for full-year omnibus by new Dec. 18 deadline.

Pay & Benefits

Feds Gain Early Win in Fight for Payout From 2018 Shutdown

At least 32,000 federal employees could be in line for a four-figure payday, though 25,000 are still awaiting damages awarded to them after 2013 shutdown.


Congressional Leaders Are Cautiously Optimistic They Can Avoid More Stopgap Funding This Year

Top negotiators say they have made some progress in setting line-by-line funding for federal agencies, but some barriers remain.