
The House Approves a 6.7% Full-Year Domestic Spending Increase, and Another CR

The Senate must act on the stopgap measure by Friday to avoid a shutdown, before taking up the omnibus spending package.


Lawmakers Face a Tight Deadline to Pass Funding Bills

Although appropriators still had not released the text of a $1.5 trillion omnibus spending package Tuesday afternoon, they insisted they would not resort to passing another stopgap measure to keep the government open.


Republicans Are Slowing Down the Passage of a Stopgap Spending Bill Again, as a Shutdown Draws Closer

For now, leaders are optimistic concerns over vaccine mandates and crack pipes will not derail the continuing resolution's passage.


Agencies Would Be Funded Through March 11 Under a Stopgap Bill the House Passed

Senate leader says he is "more confident than ever" Congress will soon send full-year appropriations to Biden's desk.


Congress Is Heading Toward Yet Another Stopgap Spending Bill This Week to Avoid a Shutdown

A measure to fund agencies through March 11 will allow appropriators to get over the finish line on full-year spending, top House Democrat says.


Congress Passes 10-Week Stopgap Spending Bill, Narrowly Avoiding Shutdown 

Lawmakers sidestepped last-minute hurdles in effort to buy time for passing full-year funding.  


House Panel Advances Bill Protecting FAA Operations During Shutdowns

Bipartisan legislation would ensure the Federal Aviation Administration operates at full capacity during a lapse in appropriations by drawing money from the Airport and Airway Trust Fund for up to 30 days.


GovExec Daily: Preparing Your Finances For the Next Shutdown

Financial analyst Clark Kendall joins the show to discuss how public servants should get ready for potential furloughs.


Lawmakers Introduce Smattering of Bills to Avoid Future Shutdowns

The last-minute action to keep federal agencies open past Sept. 30 has spurred a flurry of legislation aimed at automatically funding federal programs in the face of congressional inaction.


Biden Signs Shutdown-Averting Stopgap Spending Bill

Lawmakers have punted the shutdown threat for nine weeks, but a potential debt default looms.

Pay & Benefits

Biden Administration Appears to Take a Furlough Approach Similar to Trump's as Shutdown Nears

The White House has yet to say if it will employ the same drastic tactics to keep some agencies fully operational during a funding lapse.


Shutdown in Sight as Senate Rejects Stopgap Spending Measure

Republicans block short-term funding bill that would have also paused the debt ceiling.