
GovExec Daily: Feds Fighting the COVID-19 Surge

Eric Katz joins the podcast to discuss the Biden administration's latest moves to contain the pandemic.


GovExec Daily: The Customer Experience Under the Biden Administration

John Kamensky joins the podcast to discuss the Executive Order and Presidential Management Agenda Vision.


GovExec Daily: Mandates and Next Federal COVID-19 Steps

Courtney Bublé joins the show to discuss the Biden administration's fight against the Omicron variant.


GovExec Daily: Ahuja on Pay, COVID-19 and Hiring

The OPM chief joins the podcast again to discuss how to make the civil service younger, pay scales and how the COVID-19 rules are affecting federal employees.


GovExec Daily: OPM Director Kiran Ahuja on the Biden Management Agenda

The Office of Personnel Management chief joins the podcast to discuss her agency's role in executing the PMA.


GovExec Daily: Biden's Broken Promises to Tribal Nations

Kevin Allis joins the podcast to discuss how the administration has gone back on assurances around Native consultation and sovereignty.


GovExec Daily: How the Administration Got Most Feds Vaccinated

Eric Katz joins the podcast to discuss his story on the ways the White House got a better than 90% compliance rate with its vaccine mandate.


GovExec Daily: How to Manage Working Parents During the Pandemic

Dr. Ellen Ernst Kossek joins the podcast to discuss how managers can help their employees' work-life balance.


GovExec Daily: The State of the Contractor Vaccine Mandate

Courtney Bublé joins the podcast to discuss the state of play and the injunction.


GovExec Daily: The Federal Workplace of the Future

Eric Katz speaks to NASA's John Dankanich and HHS' Michael Peckham about how the pandemic has changed the way feds work.


GovExec Daily: Collaboration and Implementation for Levels of Government

G. Edward DeSeve joins the podcast to discuss intergovernmental work in the service of execution.


GovExec Daily: When Will Unvaccinated Feds Face Discipline?

Erich Wagner joins the podcast to discuss the Biden administration moving the deadline.


GovExec Daily: What's Next For the Legality of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

Federal employment attorney John P. Mahoney joins the podcast to discuss next steps for those in – and out of – compliance with the rules.


GovExec Daily: The 'Big Deal' Biden Presidential Management Agenda

Dr. Donald F. Kettl joins the podcast to discuss the administration's new approach to the PMA process.


GovExec Daily: Teamwork During Remote Work

Management expert Melodie Carlson joins the podcast to discuss how to manage a team during telework.


GovExec Daily: Why This Management Agenda Is Different

Terry Gerton and Robert Shea join the podcast to discuss the Biden-Harris administration’s Management Agenda Vision.


GovExec Daily: A New Factor in the Negotiations to Avert a Shutdown

Eric Katz joins the podcast to discuss the latest news about the upcoming government funding deadline.


GovExec Daily: Protecting Critical Systems from Cyber Threats

Defense One's Patrick Tucker speaks to Sen. Angus King about cybersecurity.


GovExec Daily: The President's Management Agenda Vision

Courtney Bublé joins the podcast to discuss the Biden-Harris administration's PMA document.


GovExec Today: Why Feds Thrive in Remote and Hybrid Work

Workplace expert Dr. Karen Sobel Lojeski joins the podcast to discuss the telework environment for public servants.