
GovExec Daily: The Legal Implications of the Biden COVID-19 Mandate for Feds

Federal employment attorney Stephanie Rapp-Tully joins the show to discuss how public servants will have to deal with the new rules for onsite workers.


GovExec Daily: Secrecy Around Apportionments and the Budget

The Project on Government Oversight's Dylan Hedtler-Gaudette joins the podcast to discuss the secretive OMB spending process.


GovExec Daily: OPM Makes It Easier For Agencies to Hire Interns

Erich Wagner joins the podcast to discuss new Office of Personnel Management regulations.


GovExec Daily: How Will Feds Prove That They're Vaccinated?

Courtney Bublé joins the podcast to discuss the procedures that public servants will follow for Biden's mandate.


GovExec Daily: The Future of Workforce Development

Eric Katz talks to Homeland Security's Clo Taylor about learning and engagement.


GovExec Daily: How Managers Can Help Feds Thrive in Uncertainty

Accenture Federal Services's Kristen Vaughan joins the podcast to discuss a framework for officials to use to help workers succeed.


GovExec Daily: EPA Policy and Science in the Biden Administration

Eric Katz joins the show to discuss how the agency says that it encourages open collaboration among employees, while some scientists have reported the opposite.


GovExec Daily: Diversity and the Importance of Data Collection

Courtney Bublé talks to diversity officers from four different agencies about the ways to encourage DEI in government.


GovExec Daily: Modernizing the IRS Workforce

Dr. Ron Sanders joins the podcast to discuss how to fix the Internal Revenue Service and shrink the tax gap.


GovExec Daily: Emotional Leadership and Expression

The University of California-Riverside's Dr. Thomas Sy joins the podcast to discuss how management is perceived depending on emotional expression.


GovExec Daily: The Gaps in Veteran Student Data

Wesley Wilson joins the podcast to discuss one way colleges and universities can use information to combat fraud.


GovExec Daily: Emotional Compensation and Employee Retention

Michael Lee Stallard joins the podcast how to use connectedness to keep a workplace together.


GovExec Daily: After the Mandate, How Will Agencies Implement Testing For Employees?

Eric Katz joins the podcast to discuss how Biden's announcement will be executed.


GovExec Daily: A Minibus Pay Raise Update

Erich Wagner joins the podcast to discuss the latest pay and benefits news.


GovExec Daily: A New Vaccine Rule For On-Site Federal Employees

Courtney Bublé joins the podcast to discuss how Biden's announcement will affect feds and contractors.


GovExec Daily: Rebuilding Trust in Government by Improving Digital Customer Service

Former GSA CIO Casey Coleman joins the podcast to discuss a new report about digital engagement and government.


GovExec Daily: Whistleblowing in the U.S.

The Government Accountability Project's Irvin McCullough joins the podcast to discuss National Whistleblower Day.


GovExec Daily: How CFOs See the Pandemic and Resiliency

Ann Ebberts of the Association of Government Accountants and Grant Thornton's Tony Scardino join the podcast to discuss a survey of government financial officials.


GovExec Daily: The Patent and Trademark Office's Approach to Hybrid Work

PTO's Telework Program Office Director Danette Campbell spoke to GovExec about the successes of her agency's telework approach.


GovExec Daily: Vaccine Hesitancy and Public Messaging

Dr. Stephen Neely, PhD, of the University of South Florida’s School of Public Affairs joins the podcast to discuss how health officials can break through to those are wary of the COVID-9 immunization efforts.