
Defense budget likely to continue uptick if House or Senate changes hands

Democratic leaders would probably focus less on missile defense and more on congressional oversight of the Pentagon.


Conferees making little progress on intelligence overhaul

A House GOP aide accused Senate conferees of holding immigration and law enforcement provisions "hostage" until a deal is reached on the proposed national intelligence director.


Senate, House leaders meet in Maine to try to close intel deal

Lawmakers try to break stalemate over proposed national intelligence director.


Army secretary nominee facing opposition

Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I., is holding up nomination of defense industry executive Francis Harvey to raise questions about the Bush administration's handling of Army troop and equipment needs in Iraq.


Intel reform conferees meet, but may not finish before election

House Republicans may offer compromises closer to the positions of the White House and Senate.


Bush administration backs House on budget, borders


9/11 families lobby Congress to act quickly on intelligence overhaul

They fear momentum will be lost if the House and Senate fail to act before the elections.


Conferees authorize increase in troops for Army, Marines

Defense authorization bill also includes 3.5 percent pay raise for military service personnel.


Senate passes intelligence overhaul bill; House prepares for debate

Sens. Collins, Lieberman, beat back efforts to weaken role of national intelligence director.


House-Senate conferees quash effort to delay base closures

Conference committee members also reach an 11th hour deal on language preventing the Air Force from leasing Boeing refueling tankers.


Conferees slogging toward defense authorization agreement

Lawmakers try to find a compromise on House language that would delay an upcoming round of military base closures by two years.


GOP senator threatens to hold up intelligence overhaul bill

Ted Stevens of Alaska says Senate is moving too swiftly to implement 9/11 Commission's recommendations.


Civil liberties issues arise in Senate intelligence overhaul debate

Privacy and civil protections offered in the bill are called "overkill."


Senators accuse Air Force officials of hiding Boeing probe documents

Air Force official said e-mail records were not relevant to Senate Armed Services Committee investigation.


Senate panel fends off challenges to intelligence overhaul

Governmental Affairs leaders beat back efforts to dilute the president's powers over the head of intelligence.